Page 7 - Tonilee & Bobbye Social Media Special Edition Oct Nov 2011 (1)
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                                                Diane Netter         Gayle Valentino        Lisa K Miller
                                                Diane lives in Escondido                    Photography by Lisa K
                           Rob Weinberg         with her two teenagers, two   Gayle lives in Solana Beach,   Lisa is the owner of Photography by
       Robert Tussey       Rob is president of The   dogs and 4 birds.  Her pas-  California with her husband,   Lisa K, a custom portrait studio located
        Robert has been a   MarketBuilding Team, has   sions include riding horses   two dogs and a horse.  She is   T  in Rancho Penasquitos, specializing in
                                                                    currently working as a Realtor in
        published writer for over   written two books on mar-  and playing piano. She has   the North Coastal area of San   the highest quality portraiture. As the
        thirty years and has been   keting, and authors a free   lived in several states and   Diego.  Prior to this, she was a   HO  mother of twins, Lisa shines at capturing
        providing editing services   marketing advice column   spent a year as an exchange   Flight Attendant for 27 years.  Her   moments in pregnancy and early life. She
        for the past twenty-five.  As   called Ask Mr. Marketing.   student in Germany.  In   passion for reading has motivated   shares her talents with many local chari-
        a musician he has written   You can subscribe to his free   2007 her family’s lives were   her to pursue the world of writing.    P  ties by volunteering her  photographic
                                                                    Her travels, love of animals and
        scores of songs.  His life   marketing newsletter at www.  changed forever when a   numerous encounters with inter-  services.
        has revolved around his  devastating wildfire burned   esting people, have provided her
        music and writing, often                their beautiful home to the   with lots of stories to tell.
        melding the two into articles           ground.  She still mourns the
        and interviews.                         loss of her previous life, but
                                                has found renewed joy in
                                                writing and riding.

                            Kimberly K. Robeson                                          Persephone Roland-Holst
                            Kim has been teaching Eng-               Shelli Chosak, Ph.D.  Persephone, born and raised in North County
                                                                                         San Diego, has been a harpist,
                            lish for almost twenty years,            Shelli has been active in the   bird lover, concert monitor engineer, helicopter
                            and most recently in Lima,               field of Organizational Consult-  pilot, F1 car racing
       Carol LeBeau         Peru where she returned                  ing and Psychotherapy for the   enthusiast, artist and writer.  She's now spend- San Diego
                            after six years with her                 past 25 years, and holds a                          Woman
       Carol LeBeau spent close   husband and three bulldogs.        Ph.D. in Organizational Psy-  ing more time at home
       to 30 years as a beloved   She has a Master’s Degree   Sudi Moein, M.D.,  F.A.C.O.G.,   chology. She has been listed   reading, writing and drawing in between trav-
       fixture on San Diego News.    in Comparative Literature       in Who’s Who in America,   els to Spain and Greece.
       Today she is enjoying her   from San Diego State   Sudi Moein, M.D.,    and Who’s Who in American
       retirement, as well as a   University and is currently   F.A.C.O.G., is the founding   Women
       second career as an in de-  working on her first novel  physician of the Women’s In-
       mand speaker at functions                tegrative Center for Obstetrics
       throughout San Diego. In                 and Gynecology (WICOG)
       addition to her many speak-              in Poway and Hillcrest. An
       ing engagements, Carol is                award-winning surgeon,
       a columnist for San Diego                she advocates integrative
       Woman speaking about life                medicine: inspired by her
       after her news career.                   own in-depth journey through
                                                a woman's mind, body,                     Debra Yatsko
                                                and spirit, Dr. Sudi brings
                                                together information from                 Debra has had a love of the written word
                                                                                          since her early years at San Diego State
                                                many disciplines in order to
                            Ashley Gaudet       comprehensively understand                University where she graduated with a
                                                                                          Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and
                            Ashley is a hairstylist   and improve women’s health          Public Relations.  The vast amount of her
                                                                             Charlotte Ljungquist
                            working in north county.   and well-being.                    career has been within the real estate and
                            She enjoys traveling,                                         home protection industry where she is a
                            reading,  educating her                  Charlotte was born and   presenter, educator and published writer.
                            clients and is working on                raised in Sweden, but has   While living in Florida she was the public
                            a BA in communications.                  lived in San Diego for the   relations director of a health and wellness
                                                                     last twenty five years. She
       Glenda Batzer                                                 is a photographer, massage   practice.  She recently moved back to San
                                                                                          Diego and is enjoying the beauty of the city
       Glenda  has a B.S. in                                         therapist and soon to be   all over again!
       Molecular Biology and has                                     yoga instructor. Although   Now find us on:
       been working in scientific                                    writing was her first love,
       research for more than 17                                     she put it aside for years
       years. She moved to San                                       and only wrote to accompa-
       Diego with her husband and               Jaime V. Habert      ny her travel photography.
       children in 2004 from Mas-               Jaime is a music enthusiast   That has changed and she
       sachusetts.  She currently               whose favorite genres   is now writing more than
       works full time for a small              include jazz vocals, and   she is photographing.
       biotechnology start-up in La   Erin Pistilli  classical crossover.  She has   She lives in La Costa with
       Jolla.  In her spare time, she   Erin is a freelance writer   plans to pursue a degree in   her boyfriend and her four
       is learning to play golf.   living in Escondido.  She   journalism and media.  She   Bengal cats.
                            is a mother and works as   is a freelance writer, who
                            a part-time keeper at Sea-  takes every opportunity to
                            world.  Erin has a degree   write about the subject she
                            in English from Cal State   loves.  Jaime resides with her
                            Fullerton and has a passion   family in Rancho Bernardo,
                            for reading and writing.   California.                  
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