Page 18 - Tonilee & Bobbye Social Media Special Edition Oct Nov 2011 (1)
P. 18

Social Media Masters

    Bobbye & Tonilee Helping Women Succeed

     Starting and running a successful business requires many ele-  including Bobbye and Tonilee. Tonilee adds, “There is something
     ments; a great product or service, great business sense, start-up   special that happens when women come together to learn, to grow
     capital, and a strong desire to succeed.  Even with all of these   and to share in each other’s lives. As the women changed, so
     areas covered, this new business may never see the light of the   did families, communities and homes.” As time passed, the study
     day if no one knows it exists.  In the old business paradigm, when   grew in numbers and Bobbye and Tonilee began to expand into
     new businesses promoted themselves with radio spots, print ads,   other venues including speaking events, radio, books, videos and


     direct mail campaigns, TV ads, and a lot of hard work, there was   retreats. Their message was sincere in their desire to help women
     little doubt they would succeed, or at least have a good start.  To-  but they could not have planned for what was ahead of them. It
     day, if this is all an entrepreneur does, it is almost guaranteed they   was at this point that Bobbye and Tonilee realized that they had
     will fail.  The order of the day for making success of a business is   brought their group to the place they wanted it to be and yet they
     learning the ins and outs of Social Media.              felt there was more work for them to do.  “We decided that there
     At San Diego Woman we were fortunate to meet two of the top   were so many women out there who wanted to move forward, but
     experts in this field, Bobbye Brooks and Tonilee Adamson of   they didn’t know how. We started helping women with start-up com-
     Media4Women. They are San Diego’s Gurus of Social Media.   panies which we had learned to do ourselves.  Before very long,
     They understand this important new aspect of marketing and have   word traveled quickly and  we were not only helping women  but
     dedicated their business to help business owners take control of   men as well, and then it grew to established fortune 500 companies
     their success by taking control of their social media programs.    who were looking to improve their bottom line through the use of
     What they do that is unique is they not only help their clients start   online marketing and social media.”
     businesses (with a product they call “Business in a Box”) but they
     educate their clients on how to continue using these programs to   Becoming co-partners of one of the most successful social media
     manage and grow their businesses: Highlighting programs such as   companies was not the path either lady thought they would be
     Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn and teaching their clients the ins   taking.  Tonilee was born in New Jersey and relocated to California
     and outs of websites, blogs, digital newsletters and Youtube.   when she was seven.  She went to school in Fullerton, California
     Bobbye and Tonilee did not set out to start a successful business in   and when she left high school she headed to Point Loma Nazarene
     the social media arena.  They started out  leading a study group at   University in San Diego, where she studied nursing.  After gradu-
     their church which focused on encouraging women to grow spiritu-  ation she obtained a position at Sharp Memorial Hospital in the
     ally.  It was a powerful time in the lives of everyone who attended,   Acute Care Unit.
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