Page 20 - Tonilee & Bobbye Social Media Special Edition Oct Nov 2011 (1)
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ways, we have a business platform that we can do it in, but we also   of everyone else around them.  This is why they have founded yet
    have a message that we do it through.”                   another company, Everything4Women, which is a speaking platform
    Knowing that two women working so closely together for so long could   where they discuss relationships, finances, spiritual balance, health,
    present some problems, I had to ask the partners how they made it work   and business opportunities. They also started a networking group.  “We
    so well.    Tonilee added, “In the beginning it was quite a challenge, be-  recognized the need for women to be with other women and these are
    cause we are very different women.  We do have some similarities, we   desperate times right now, so how do we meet people.  We want to
    both have medical backgrounds.  We have an underlying understanding,   meet people in an environment with leaders we trust. We want to meet
    and we do have the same goals both for women and for our business.   qualified women who want to go forward with their businesses.  We fo-
    But sometimes just the personality of two women being together was a   cus on  education in the area of social media, since a lot of women over
    challenge.  We have realized that there can’t be any competition.  We   40 were not raised with laptops on their desks, we want to help them so
    have to respect each other’s differences.  I ended up in more of a chal-  they can catch up” adds Tonilee. Although they have helped hundreds of
    lenged place in that.  Bobbye runs the bus.  She takes charge.  I have   women, it isn’t just women who come to them for assistance. Not all of
    far more of a struggle with that than Bobbye.  She is just working away   their clients are female; they now have a 50% male clientele who rely on
    and I have to play catch up sometimes especially with three kids there   them to bring their businesses up to par when it comes to online market-
    are often family challenges.  What ended up happening is that we are co   ing and Social Media needs. Their companies have made significant
    owners of both companies.  We came together and compared what our   strides and they currently have customers who may simply have an idea
    individual gifts, talents and abilities were, and how we could best utilize   for a company and are looking to get it off the ground, to some of the top
    them without crossing the line.”                         fortune 500 companies. “We can work with any individual or company
    Bobbye laughs, “We could write a book on partnerships.  A lot of them   anywhere in the country. We are currently working with some very top
    end in disaster. We have our issues, if anyone goes into business think-  notch companies.  We see limitless potential in what we do.  We are
    ing they are not going to have issues, the honeymoon is over very fast.    only limited by the fact that we need good people working with us.  Our
    There are days that no matter what we are dealing with it has to stay   ultimate goal is to hire more women with the hope of becoming one of
    behind closed doors. Our own team doesn’t even know what is going   the largest women owned, women employed companies in the world.”
    on, they may sense it, but we made a commitment and a vow to say we   My final question to these two women behind this winning company
    are professionals and if we have speaking engagements we must be   was, if you could share something important with our readers what
    professional even though there have been times when the last person   would it be?  Tonilee began with the following, “Don’t stop. You are
    I want to be with was Tonilee and I had to sit on a stool next to her and   important and you have a lot to offer, not just to your family, but to your
    motivate other women at a conference for several days.” Tonilee adds,   community and to the world.  I think women undermine their own gifts
    “There have been days when I cannot handle having a partner. But re-  and talents to give them away to others who may not make the best use
    gardless of our personal conflicts, we have to be in the car together and   of these precious gifts.
    drive together and then share a room together. We have needed to learn   Bobbye added,   “Time is short. Quit waiting for something to change,
    that in the time we walk from the curtain to the stage we must put all of   just do it.  Step out and do it. Stop making excuses. Today is the day.  I
    that behind us.  This is our job, and women have come here to listen   think that’s what stops everybody. They believe that they need to wait
    to us. So we have to forget the rest and just do our job. However, even   until the economy gets better… or they feel they cannot start their
    from the platform, we are very honest about the challenges.”  business until they have enough money… I tell them to give it up. Stop
    Having been with these women at several meetings and networking   making excuses. We can help you start today.”
    events it is evident the deep respect they have for each other and the
    honesty they are willing to share comes through even when talking   If you would like to learn more join Media4Women at their upcoming
    about their own relationships.                           Women’s weekend retreat, in Costa Mesa at the Ayres Hotel October
 20  What appears to be at the core of their business and personal relation-  28th -30th.  It will be a weekend for business women to get together to
                                                             encourage one another.  There is also a one day conference called Real
    ship is that these two amazing women realize that they have a very
    important message to share with other women.  They are often dealing   Issues Real Answers scheduled for February 25th at Point Loma Naza-
    with women who are feeling depressed, discouraged, and defeated;   rene University in San Diego.  You can catch them every Wednesday
    those ‘D’ words that often make it difficult to move out of the place in   on San Diego Living on channel 6 around 9:30 am. Bobbye and Tonilee
    which they are stuck. They will ask their audiences “What did you go   have also just launched an internet television show. For more informa-
    to school for and what do you want to do?” It seems simple, but often   tion, go to and
    women lose track of their own needs while concentrating on the needs
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