Page 26 - Tonilee & Bobbye Social Media Special Edition Oct Nov 2011 (1)
P. 26
Yesterday marked our 36th wedding anniversary. So many changing, and in contrast to the usual clear San Diego skies,
years of growing, learning, struggling and sharing. A lifetime there were gray and white clouds mixing with the blue, giving
of experience clarifies how innocent we were when we tied the the day a vacation feel, like we were in an unfamiliar place.
knot at 22 and 24. So much water has flowed under the bridge Upon entering the spa, we were completely transported far
we are crossing together, some rough, some smooth, some away from the business and bustle of our everyday lives. We
clear and blue, and some- were immersed in soft light, sooth-
times deep and dark. During ing music, and sweet scents.
those dark times it would In the gentlest of voices, our host-
have been easy to say, “I’m ess guided us to our private dress-
out of here. My life will be ing room complete with shower
better on my own.” But luck- and amenities, and then showed
ily our difficult times never us the steam room, which was also
came to that. As we matured for our private use. From there we
we learned to support and were to wait for our therapists in an
stand by each other. enchanting lounge with waterfall,
Now that life is flowers, chocolates and strawber-
much quieter, with the strug- ries.
gles and stress of managing After our muscle relaxing, stress
finances and raising kids relieving steam, we settled into the
behind us, I am grateful that lounge and wondered if we had
I am not alone and about to died and gone to heaven. No words
start a new chapter in the are needed when you know some-
book of our relationship. one so completely, so we sipped
How will this chapter read? herbal tea and shared a chocolate
To celebrate our anniversary in silence. When our eyes met, we
I scheduled a ‘Couples Retreat’ at a spa I found online. Now smiled, enjoying the pureness of being together and felt our
some men consider themselves too macho to go to a spa. love reawaken as if we were newlyweds again.
Luckily, I introduced my husband to the pleasures of the spa Between our luxurious treatments, we met again in the lounge,
years ago, and he became a fan. We had not, however, experi- which had become our secret hideaway, free of all worldly
enced a couple’s spa day. We were to arrive mid morning for a cares. But all good things come to an end, and too soon it
26 three hour retreat, grab some lunch and return home. was time to reenter reality. We left the spa, but were reluctant
We left our prospective projects about 10:00 am heading to to leave the connection we had once again formed behind.
the coast where our spa adventure awaited. The weather was We drove to a favorite restaurant we hadn’t been to in years
and ate a very late breakfast,
something we had always
liked to do.
Afterwards, we headed
down to the beach and like
carefree kids, kicked off our
shoes, wiggled our toes in
the sand, and set off of a long
beach walk. The weather was
blustery and exhilarating and
we had the beach mostly to
ourselves. The tide was out
so we explored pools, sharing
discoveries, and getting our
pant legs wet, all the while
feeling our bond strengthen-
As we walked back to our car
hand in hand, I contemplated
what a rare gift we have in
each other. How comforting
to have someone I know will
always be there, and that a
marriage can still be romantic
after 36 years. So far this new
chapter in our relationship is
reading very well. I hope there
are many more and that they
are just as good.