Page 43 - Tonilee & Bobbye Social Media Special Edition Oct Nov 2011 (1)
P. 43

Caring for our Veterans when they need us most

                              Our team of hospice professionals deliver a personalized program of care
                              that meets your speci c needs. Some of the services we provide include:

                                  �    Regular visits by members of the hospice team wherever a patient
                                    calls home

                                  �    Medications, supplies and equipment related to the hospice diagnosis
                                  �    Personal care, grooming and companionship
                                  �    Emotional support and guidance for the patient and their family

                              Please contact us. We are here when you need us.

                              In addition to our Veterans Program, we o er unique programs including

                                  �    Ohr Ami,  e Jewish Hospice Program                                              San Diego
                                  �    Healing Touch                                                                     Woman
                                  �    Aromatherapy

                                  �    Simple Gi s                                                                    43



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