Page 40 - Tonilee & Bobbye Social Media Special Edition Oct Nov 2011 (1)
P. 40
Yesenia Lucatero
Designs by
Yesenia’s Story With graduation and a bachelor’s degree coming to me in March,
I know that despite everything I brought myself here, and I do
Like most girls growing up, I loved Barbie dolls. I loved how she deserve to succeed. The collection showed here is called Tropic
had so many clothes and would spend hours styling my dolls. I Class. I made it early this year, and was inspired by vintage swim-
always tried to change the clothes some way. wear. Struggling with weight after my pregnancy I hadn't been to
the beach or pool in years, so I decided to make a collection that
When I was in fourth grade, career day was coming up and I had was sexy enough to look good in, and classy enough to flatter your
no idea what I wanted to dress as. My mom mentioned that I could figure, and leave something to the imagination. Right now I am
be a fashion designer. I had no idea that option even existed and working on my portfolio, and I landed a job as a production assis-
jumped at it! I cut fabrics from different old clothes we had and put tant to a small casual wear company that just moved to San Diego.
together a “portfolio” with sketches. As I got older I didn't see this I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and it's getting
option as reality until my cousin invited me to a workshop that The closer. I can't wait to move out and give my kids their own bedroom
Art Institute of California- San Diego was having and told me about and build a home for us. My ultimate goal, after graduation, is to
the Fashion Design program. Needless to say I fell in love with the continue to work on the creation of my own line of clothing and
school and suddenly saw my future coming together. eventually own a boutique featuring my clothing and that of local
A couple of months later I graduated Marian Catholic High School.
Shortly after I found out I was pregnant. My relationship with my
boyfriend had already been suffering due to his manipulative
nature, but I thought I would still work on it now that we had a baby
coming into the picture. My parents were incredibly supportive and
told me they would support me until I graduated college. I remem-
ber my mom driving me to school and getting morning sickness
during the car ride. I never wanted to miss school so I kept plastic
40 bags in the car.
Shortly after I gave birth to Beila I began to have complications
due to the amount of hormones in my new birth control. I ended up
getting Pancreatitis and the muscle spasms that came after every
meal I ate were excruciating. One day the muscle spasm lasted
for about an hour. I was curled up on the floor crying in pain, so I
asked my mom to take me to the emergency room. We learned that
my liver was failing and had I waited a bit longer, I could have died.
They had to admit me. I was in the hospital for the longest 10 days
of my life. I wasn't allowed to eat, I had to be fed through IV. I was
in constant pain, and on pain meds 24/7.
That event, along with my pregnancy, were eye opening experienc-
es. But it wasn't until after I had my son, 2 years later, that I learned
who my real friends were. I learned who cared about me, and who
didn't. I broke up with my boyfriend, who had been my first real
love. It really shattered my world to think that I was now a single
mother of 2, and my small family still lived in my bedroom at home
with my parents. I dealt with constant judging eyes for the first time
in my life. Having one unplanned child could be seen as a mistake,
but a second changed everything. I had always seen myself as a
good girl, so having my scars, and flaws put in the spotlight for the
world to see, was especially hard for my pride and humbled me
immensely. I suffered from depression and anxiety, and I am barely
starting to pick myself up from these emotions. During this time I
struggled with school for the first time in my life. My grades suffered
and I was lacking inspiration. It took a lot of soul searching, and a
lot of support from my sister, to help me realize that it's all on me.
I am a single mother at 21 and I can't blame anyone for that but my-
self. I have been struggling, and the only person who can change
that is the girl in the mirror. I started to, and one day at a time I am
starting to reorganize myself and dig myself out of this hole I have
been in. I am more inspired than ever now and in perfect timing.