Page 36 - Tonilee & Bobbye Social Media Special Edition Oct Nov 2011 (1)
P. 36
Bitchin’ & Moaning The Look of Love
Big Hair
By Judith A. Habert By Janice Booth
There is not an episode of Jersey Shore, Jerseylicious, Jersey
Couture, or the Real Housewives of New Jersey where there isn’t
someone taking credit for ’Big Hair.’ Having relocated from New
York to San Diego almost 11 years ago I can honestly say, Jersey
was not the only place that savored the ’Big Hair.’
I grew up in a part of New York known as Queens. Queens is
one of the five boroughs of New York and if you ask me it was
responsible for much of what other boroughs, counties and states
are attempting to take credit for, especially ‘Big Hair’
I know this is dating me, but when I was growing up the more
you teased your hair the more ’hip’ you were. Okay I just dated
myself again with the use of the word ’hip.’ Actually, perms were
the rage, and if there is one way to create ’Big Hair,’ it is with a
perm. Just about every woman around my age has at some point
A man and a women across a crowded
36 Searching, finding each others eye...
Under a spell cast with intensity, ever
so sweet
Can't look away, why even try.
So many minutes is the stare
in her life had a perm. Sometimes they referred to it as a ’body all atoms explode into space
wave,’ but all in all it was just a perm. We would chemically treat No other feeling can compare
our hair using the most foul smelling concoction and count down
the time necessary to become the next Shirley Temple. But of For there is only one face.
course the perms never came out the way they looked on the
box: The flowing mane of curly hair ended up being a frizzy head Even though their twenty feet apart
full of fuzz. The fix for that was mousse, which would be applied
after we got out of the shower, but before we began the blow dry- Their eyes sear each others soul,
ing process. To determine what styling products were necessary They hear each others beating heart...
one had to take into account the amount of perm remaining in How can they keep this soaring role.
ones hair: Immediately after the perm, mousse was a necessity
to tame that wild frizzy mane and three weeks later it was back
to teasing it high and using hair spray. Those of us who have en- Why question this spell that's cast
dured thin, straight, and flat hair have always found the necessity Please, Oh please, don't turn away.
to get some ’volume’ and the only way to do this at the time was
by use of the perm. One day we would leave the house with thin Oh, but she did,. No it has to last.....
lifeless hair and the next day we looked like a bad Saturday Night Such attraction, she couldn't help but
Live skit depicting the 1970s. You see, the key to ’Big Hair’ was look his way..
to get a perm and then use a pick to tease it as high as it would
go. Alright so we didn’t call it a bump or a poof but we had one.
Now decades later with the over abundance of New Jersey based Now their eyes, again meeting
reality shows the entire world credits New Jersey with the concept This time longer is the trance
of ’Big Hair’. Well I want to make it known that Queens girls were
the first to realize that in order to be attractive our hair had to be Two hearts sway as one, in loves uni-
big and eyes had to be smokey. It is exactly what they say, “The versal dance.
higher the hair, the closer to heaven.” So back off Snooki.