Page 124 - BFSI CHRONICLE 10 th Issue (2nd Annual Issue ) .indd
P. 124

BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022
        Shri B.Rajkumar, Advisor, BFSIB and Former  when retail was hardly any percentage of it
        Deputy Chief Executive Indian Banks  but the shift has taken place today retail is
        Association, discussed about the evolution  becoming a prominent component of balance
        of the banking system over the past 40 years  sheet composition of most of the banks. Now
        and said that the fundamentals of banking  a days risk management framework which is
        have not changed in all these years but what  driven by the powerful algorithm behind the
        has changed is the banking operations as well  system, a whole lot of technology has happened
        as how do we do banking and technology has  in the recent years. He expressed his concern
        brought the changes. Tomorrow technology  saying that the important point for the bank is
        will continue to be a game changer and holds  to think over whether they should try to do all
        the key to tomorrow's banking.               the technology innovation in-house and end up
                                                     creating multiple channels which confuses both
        Shri Mohan Tanksale, Former Chief Executive,   the consumer as well as their own people who
        Indian Banks  Association expressed that     have to run this psychology or they should try
        the banking industry has withstood various   to look at a meaningful collaboration with these
        crises and transformed itself into a real great
                                                     kind of entities. Talking about the future road
        institution to meet the challenges and contribute   of banking he said we must have meaningful
        to the economic growth of the country. He    collaboration and cooperation while also doing
        discussed the pre and post nationalization   the competition wherever needed that will be
        scenario in the banking industry and how     one very important area the another challenge
        banking has evolved in all these years. Shri
                                                     will be the talent retention and already all the
        Tanksale mentioned financial inclusion which   entities are facing that problem because the
        started in 2006 and the importance of Pradhan   way technology is growing in multiple sector of
        Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna in it. the technology   the economy there is always there is a race for
        in the banking industry has really helped out   acquiring the best talent and so banks would be
        despite the shutdowns, the industry has been
                                                     relying heavily on the technology. So it will be
        alive and has been contributing substantially   very important that the talent retention is done
        to the customer needs and today the financial   and the other thing would be the learning from
        sector is predicting the financial needs of the   infrastructure financing which we have seen
        customer and proactively reaching to the     will continue to remain an important growth
        customer with their needs.
                                                     sector. He said the technology like blockchain
        Shri S.S Mundra said when nationalization  and specialized institutions have come so now
        happened we could not bring this separation  banks have to find that what could be their
        of ownership and management, that had its  meaningful niche in the payment and settlement
        own impact and as a result when the private  system. Banks would need to prepare for that
        banks came into the market then this non-    another important area i.e. green finance or
        separation of ownership and management  ESG. Another important aspect for tomorrow
        became to some extent a handicap for the  banking he mentioned is customer protection.
        banks. The Indian bank's balance sheet over a  Moreover, he also said that banks also have to
        period of last few years or couple of decades  think of the ageing population after 20 years
        the balance sheet used to be predominantly  and the then Zen generation. Their technology
        heavy corporate lending. There was a time  requirement would be different and so for

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