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BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022
        emission because the first need of the hour is  clearly divulge that as part of its ESG report as
        to reduce the amount of carbon emissions and  well as part of its annual report. He stressed
        if carbon emissions continue at the current  on saying that robust internal governance
        level we will never be able to leave behind  has become the need of the hour because
        a sustainable society for future generations.  if the objective is to build up sustainable
        Today organizations are expected to report in  organizations the only way that can be done
        their annual reports as well what exactly is the  is through effective corporate governance
        ratio of male versus female employees, what is  and corporate governance cannot be achieved
        the representation of women in management  without enterprise risk management and
        committee and board committees and what  without integration of the core fundamentals
        steps is the organization taking to encourage  of ESG. CMA Jivaasha iterated the strategies to
        the inclusion of physically disabled people into  integrate ESG with ERM- first was a successful
        the workforce of the organization. So investors  governance structure to send off the message
        today want to know how an organization is  from the top, the second step was, including
        contributing towards building a sustainable  ESG risks as part of the enterprise risk
        society and also asking organization as to how  management activities, third, a culture where
        they are including different strata of society  you are continuously measuring and reporting
        within their fold. Today many organizations  the level of ESG risk to the organization i.e. a
        in addition to an annual report are coming out  strategy to ensure integration of ESG with ERM
        with a dedicated ESG report to tell the world  and the fifth one which is a strategy about the
        what they are doing in the space of ESG. Today  culture building element about how do you
        organizations have got lot of surplus funds  spread the entire message of ESG within the
        which are invested into different investment  organization.  As an end note he said that
        asset classes and also invested into the equity of  an organization which embodies corporate
        different companies and nowadays companies  governance builds up a very strong balance
        make responsible investing by viewing the ESG  sheet.
        rating, given by the reporting agencies, of the   CMA Dibbendu Roy, Additional Director &
        investee companies. Final step is governance   Deputy Secretary, BFSIB gave the vote of thanks.
        and enterprise risk management where the     He thanked the guest of honor CMA Jivaasha
        focus is that every organization should have   for his exhaustive presentation and also
        board approved policies and procedures on    thanked CMA Chittaranjan Chattopadhyay,
        risk management and on corporate governance   Chairman BFSIB, CMA Padmanabhan, CCM,
        including robust internal governance steps and   CMA Vijender Sharma, V.P. ICAI, for their
        look at disclosure of emerging areas. Investors   special address and Shri B.Rjakumar, Advisor,
        today as well as shareholders today want to   BFSIB and Shri Shyamal Ghosh Roy for their
        know what are the emerging risk areas which   guidance, CMA Arup Shankar Bagchi, HOD
        can cause a problem to the organization and   BFSIB for approval and support and BFSIB
        the expectation is that the organization should   team members for support.

                                                                The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India

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