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BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022
                                            Webinar on
          “ Confronting the implications of Climate Change on Insurance Industry ",
          organized by the Banking, Financial Services and Insurance Board ( BFSIB)
                                   on 14/06/2022 from 4 pm to 6 pm

           Shri G. Srinivasan Director, National Insurance Academy (NIA) deliberating
          his thoughts on the Insurance Industry for the Implications of Capital Change
                                                in it.

                he Banking Financial Services and  welcomed the august presence and briefed the
                Insurance Board of the Institute  importance of insurance.
                of Cost Accountants of India in its   G.Srinivasan, Director, NIA was the moderator
        Tobjective of knowledge dissemination
                                                     of the webinar.
        has chosen the month of June as the insurance
        month. The 2nd webinar was organized in  Mr Pravin Gupta a Chartered Insurer and
        association with National Insurance Academy  Mr. Hitesh Kotak, CEO India branch,
        on the theme “Confronting The Implications of  Munich Re were the eminent speakers,
        Capital Change On Insurance Industry”.
                                                     Mr Pravin Gupta mentioned the importance of
        Chairman BFSIB CMA Chittaranjan  and cost accounting when it comes to climate
        Chattyopaddhay welcomed the august  change and associated perils that are impacting
        presence at the seminar and expressed his  the global economy and the well-being of all
        delight for such a value addition and splendid  citizen. Mr. Gupta made an exhaustive power
        webinar.                                     point presentation. He expressed his concern
        CMA Vijender Sharma,Vice President ICAI,     about the growing carbon emission and as it’s

        The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India

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