Page 68 - BFSI CHRONICLE 10 th Issue (2nd Annual Issue ) .indd
P. 68

BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022
        products. Third, Labour Market Efficiency  between the role of state and the markets.
        (LME) Measures the efficiency and flexibility
        of the labour market for ensuring that workers   A similar trajectory has been shown by the
        are allocated to their most effective use in the   evolution of Indian Financial Markets and the
                                                     corresponding regulatory system. Initially,
        economy and provided with incentives to give
        their best effort in their jobs. Fourth, Market   India started with establishing the Reserve Bank
                                                     of India (RBI) as a banking sector regulator, and
        Size (MS) Measures the domestic demand by
        including both domestic and foreign markets   later by laying stones of the Ministry of Finance
        in our measure. Fifth, Technological Readiness   to regulate all the other financial sectors. Over
                                                     time, the role of regulators has also advanced
        (TR) measures the agility with which an
        economy adopts existing technologies to      from being just an instrument for planned
                                                     development to becoming the referee for a
        enhance the productivity of its industries,
        with specific emphasis on its capacity to fully   relatively modern and complex financial sector
        leverage information and communication       presently. Importantly, during transformation
                                                     India has undertaken a variety of financial
        technologies (ICTs) in daily activities and
        production processes for increased efficiency   sector reform measures.
        and enabling innovation for competitiveness.  One of the important features of these reforms
        Sixth, Trade openness (OPN) measured by  is that these reforms were designed by the
        the sum of exports and imports to the Gross  authorities to perfectly line up with the
        Domestic Production GDP, the higher value  international best practices, keeping in mind
        indicates more openness. Seventh, Good  the cumulative needs of the country and other
        Market Efficiency (GME) measured based  domestic factors. Moreover, these reforms can
        on demand conditions and Healthy market  be largely categorized as steps taken towards:
        competition, both domestic and foreign. Eighth,
        Higher education and training (HET) Measures   1.  Liberalizing the complete macroeconomic
                                                           and regulatory environment under
        secondary and tertiary enrolment rates as well
        as the quality of education as evaluated by        which most financial sector institution’s
        business leaders, the extent of staff training is   function,
        also taken into consideration.                 2.  Providing strength to the institutions,

        Historical Evolution of Financial Markets          while improvising their productivity and
        The peculiar historical evolution of a
        country generally defines the financial        3.  Establishing a well-defined body to
        system and the infrastructure of a country.        strengthen and oversee the working of
        This historical evolution is formed out of         the financial system.
        continuous interaction between public policy
        interventions and various players in the system   Interdependence Between Different Finan-
        over the period. Moreover, the public policy  cial Markets
        interventions are also the reproduction of  In the empirical finance literature, the flow of
        thinking broadcasted by the regulators and the  information between various financial markets
        governments of that time, who carved them to  has always attracted much-needed attention
        maintain the balance between innovation and  from people working in this field. Researches
        stability, together with achieving equilibrium  point out the extent of correlation that exists

                                                                The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India

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