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BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022
        financial sector could affect costs.         recent years economists namely, Ross Levine,
                                                     Robert King and others are making an effort
         Patrick (1966) suggested that the relationship   to re-examine the role played by the financial
        between economic growth and financial        markets in strengthening the economic growth.
        development can be bilateral. Patrick (1966)
        called this bilateral relationship the demand-  On the theoretical side complex models have
        traced and supply-led hypotheses. According  been established to exemplify the many
        to the demand-tracking hypothesis, there is a  channels through which the development of
        relationship from economic growth to financial  financial markets are affected by economic
        development. This situation can be seen mostly  growth. These networks provides with the
        in the economies of countries with little or no  enablement of the trade hedging, pooling
        financial market development. In the supply-  of risk, and diversification; the monitoring
        led hypothesis, it is argued that financial  of managers and exerting corporate control;
        development will encourage economic growth.  facilitation of the exchange of goods and
        This situation is more common in countries  services; and the efficient allocation of
        with well-developed financial sector. It is  resources.
        possible to come across bilateral relations in
                                                     On the empirical side, a number of studies at
        countries with medium financial sector
                                                     the firm-level, industry-level, country-level and
        One of the most discussed topic among  cross-country comparisons have confirmed the
        economists is role of financial system in  presence of a strong link between the financial
        economic development, whereby every  sector and economic growth. Researches done
        economist tend to hold a dramatically distinct  by King and Levine’s has shown that level of
        opinion on the same. Bagehot (1873) and  financial depth/defined as the ratio of liquid
        Schumpeter (1911) have reasoned that efficient  assets to GDP does in fact help to predict the
        financial system helps the economy of a nation  pattern and nature of economic growth. Other
        to grow greatly. Indeed, Ross Levine has  work by Levine has revealed that financial
        pointed on how Schumpeter held a convention  intermediary development does positively
        that often well-functioning banks stimulate  influence economic growth, it even stands true
        technological innovation in an economy by  when other factors that might influence the
        offering funding to various entrepreneurs,  economic growth are kept constant.
        who hold a position to successfully implement
        innovative products and processes. However,   Role of Financial Markets in Economic
        it should be noted that more recent economists   development
                                                     What is the association between the
        are often sceptical about the role played by the
        financial sector in the economic growth.     development of markets and economic
                                                     development? It is quite interesting to note
        In 1952 Joan Robinson put forth the fact that  that that markets-especially financial markets
        economic growth creates demand for financial  – play a central role in economic development
        institutions. In 1988, Robert Lucas has sacked  and similarly, economic development leads to
        the finance-economic growth relationship  the establishment of new markets.
        asserting that economists ‘badly over-stress’
        over the role that financial factors play towards   Financial markets are the utmost means of
                                                     channelling investment capital to its highest
        the economic growth.  Yet, we find that in

                                                                The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India

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