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BFSI Chronicle, 2
                                                 BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022
                                                                 Annual Issue, 10
                                                                                  Edition July 2022
                                                                                th th
        THE                                               n more than three decades of banking
                                                          experience mostly in leadership role in
                                                          a team as head of department, branch
        MAGIC-POWER                                  Ior Bank, I always had great enjoyable
                                                     relationships, irrespective of the places they are
                                                     hailing from, whether auditors or RBI officials
        OF                                           (while as head of Audit of a large Asso. Bank&
                                                     IFB Head). There had been many personal
                                                     moments  when we had been discussing
        INTUITION                                    various issues, including, what makes the
                                                     uniqueness, that gives us strengths to abandon
                                                     a seemingly very lucrative proposal abruptly,
        &                                            many a time, at the very last moment, averting
                                                     a great disaster for the Bank as well as for the
                                                     officer concerned!
        FOCUSED                                      When we discuss about the demanding

                                                     qualities required for bankers responsible
                                                     to monitor / improve the quality of advance
        DEDICATION                                   and the same for auditors who are required
                                                     to comment suitably to appraise the exact
                                                     status of the same, we talk about integrity,
                                                     clear communication, team work, accounting
                                                     knowledge, minimum flair in technology
                                                     etc, but many a time we find that someone
                                                     saved the Bank and himself by withdrawing/
                                                     withholding a duly approved sanction, upon
                                                     receipt sudden inner call of heart or an intuition
                                                     from within which is also called as sixth sense!
                                                     Sixth sense may be termed as an antenna
                                                     through which ideas, plans and thoughts flash
                                                     into mind suddenly. These flashes are called
                                                     as  “hunches”.  This  antenna  is  the  medium
                                                     between finite mind of human beings and
                                                     infinite wisdom of universe, which notifies
                                                     impending danger or windfall opportunity
                                                     all of a sudden’ in advance which cannot be
                                                     explained by normal reasoning. It may also
                                                     be called as “call of heart”. Some wise men
                                                     opine that sixth sense can be acquired by
        Shri S. B. Roy                               meditation. In my opinion, if you are focused
        Former DGM, SBI-Strategic Training           for a good cause, totally without self-interest,

                                                                The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India

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