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BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022
        if you express your gratitude sincerely (thereby  manage to get most of the necessary papers and
        getting help from universe)  to the people who  unaudited Balance sheet, showing a total sale
        have helped you directly or indirectly in small  & export of `1500 Crs, with net profit of `75
        or big way and express your warm gratitude  Crs in the first year with export order in hand
        and appreciation to the Almighty everyday  of `2100 Crs.
        very  sincerely (which may be termed as
                                                     Since the Bank was a South-India based,
        Gratitude Meditation), it is more often than
        not, you will get the “Call of Heart” or sixth   the Bank was without much of export other
        sense, at the right time, at least to avoid serious   than prawns & cashew which also branch
                                                     didn’t have. The AGM & Mr Das were very
        danger, which you will not be able to get
        communicated otherwise. That’s my personal   aggressively tried and put up the note to Credit
                                                     Dept for sanction. Their Credit Dept, in view
                                                     of the excellent performance of the Branch
        When got a hunch, keep asking within &  in Credit growth & recovery experience,

        others : Analyse all replies, all are important:  and the unit’s fabulous top & bottom line,
        Surprisingly, the most innocuous reply will  was also equally aggressive and sanctioned
        take you towards the destination, that’s my  the proposal and limit very quickly, with
        experience many a time which helped me to  seemingly very simple conditions – Subject to
        steer out of difficult situations in a very heart-  1) Getting opinion report from the consortium
        warming manner. One of those hair-raising  leader (herein after, Lead Bank) 2) Verification
        stories (facts with some minor changes) which  report of Export Bills Receivables outstanding
        will be certainly interesting for bankers &  certified by CA etc. 3) Audited Balance-Sheet,
        auditors! Please Enjoy!!                     or Unaudited actuals of Balance Sheet figures
                                                     to be signed by Authorised Director with Board
        Mr Santanu Das, popularly known as
                                                     resolution for the same etc.
        Mr. Das, is a young officer (Manager C&I, in
        one of the PSU bank) who has been at Kolkata  After advising the sanction to the Co,
        Branch  for  eight  years,  which  is  a  special   Mr Das, approached the lead Bank requesting
        privilege, which no one is allowed beyond 5  to help meeting up the compliances. The lead
        years in one branch in his Bank. Still he was  Bank forwarded the Export Bill outstanding
        considered due to his excellent relationship with  statement, (without verification/ certification),
        the staff, other Bankers & customers, resulting  and unaudited Balance sheet, with a good
        excellent business, growth and recovery for  covering letter , with copy to the DGM, credit
        the branch. Recently they have managed to  of Mr Das’ Bank, advising that since they have
        become a collecting Banker of a Public Issue  forwarded everything that was required for
        (over-subscribed around 20 times) for a 100%  sanction, with necessary comment, there is no
        export oriented unit, having excellent potential  question of separate opinion report as asked for.
        to offer abundance of Forex business, which the  Further what they could not put it in writing,
        Branch is lacking. Hence the AGM advised him  they called the DGM –credit (of Mr Das’ Bank)
        to tap this business as well.                over phone , and told clearly that if the bank is
                                                     not comfortable, they can convey the same, as
        Mr Das, being close to the Co Management     other PSU Bank is waiting for opportunity.
        and leader of consortium (A PSU Bank), could

        The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India

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