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BFSI Chronicle, 2 Annual Issue, 10  Edition July 2022
        Upon that kind of threat, and after the roaring  projected profit! That’s how the conditions
        success of Public issue and good unaudited  removed.  As I know you for years, better
        performance and encouraging projected annual  you please go through all financials & satisfy
        sale and profit with `2100 Crs & `105 Crs, Mr  yourself.”
        Das’ Bank had cleared the proposal in lightning
        speed removing  the earlier conditions.      First time Mr Das, felt bit confused, considering
                                                     their frank relationship, he felt that something
        Upon receiving the sanction letter, the customer  was wrong which he was missing! His boss Mr
        Co, quickly advised the acceptance of sanction  Thomas, had always been 100% relying on his
        with necessary board resolution and requested  work & recommendation that never failed.
        for early release of the limit in order to execute
        a huge export order for which consortium     It was very late in the evening back at his home,
                                                     but he still opened laptop and the Export B/R
        leader was also pressurising. The Branch was
        also following up with the Lead Bank as well   statement, that was totalling around `1540 Crs
        as other large PSU member Bank, asking for   (paid & unpaid together), and estimated for
                                                     this current year is `2120 Crs. Then he checked
        help regarding sanction-compliance, at least
        by providing the opinion report though it was   for last year’s Export B/R and found it was 75%
                                                     FBD limit backed by LC. Only `280 are Non-
        removed. In a Banker’s meeting, Mr Das, met
        DGM, lead Bank and other PSU member Bank     LC, which was alright. Suddenly he noticed
        during the dinner, they very jovially told Mr   that there are small insignificant * mark against
                                                     nine export bills without any comments,
        Das, “Hi, young man, you managed to sanction
        very smartly in a lightning speed, even      which he ignored last month also. Now out of
                                                     curiosity, he was verifying little more. And to
        removing the earlier conditions. Now what is
        your problem?  You have got the clear sanction   his surprise, (very cordially thanking DGM), he
        from Bank’s appropriate authority, now if you   observed as follows:
        want to grab this good business, you have to   1) Five bills were Dt16.04.xx & four bills dt
        quickly act and release. Otherwise, another       29.4.xx, All Inspection Agency Certificate
        Bank is waiting in the wings and already          dt 30.04.xx !!
        talking to the company to grab your share!”   Apparent doubts:
        Mr Das, then requested the DGM, Lead             i)   Unusual billing & it’s dates.
        Bank, “Sir, my submission is, you both have      ii)   And all 9 bills inspected and certified
        sanctioned and released the limit, may we not       on one single day (?)
        expect a favourable two line letter that account   iii)  And by one agency
        and it’s export figures and performances are
                                                         iv)  The certification dates are after billing
        good. So that we can also offer an excellent
        rate,  as yours.” Pat came the reply “dear, all     date, which is not possible.
        Export Bills data, unaudited financials with   2) When Mr Das started checking-up of
        projected sales & profit, sanction note with      realisation bills at night 1AM, he almost
        recommendations are with you. Youngman,           had an heart attack, sort of, when he saw
        your HO considered only the new Co’s excellent    that till year-end the (even after360 days)
        export of the last year and it’s collection and   nine bills totalling `180 Crs not realised.
        profit along with wonderful order book and     3)  As per RBI norms in those days,  the  bills

                                                                The Institute Of Cost Accountants Of India

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