Page 2 - HomeMatters Q2 2020
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ACQUISITIONS                                                                         AWARDS                                    In March, EDGEWOOD AND VANTAGE CREATED A COVID-RESPONSE

                                                                                                                                   UMD INNOVATION AND                    LEADERSHIP TEAM that meets several times per week to discuss next steps and
                                                                                                                                                                            develop protocols for both our main office and onsite at our communities.
               LINEAGE                                                                                                             ENTREPRENEURSHIP
        In a historically African American                                                                                         REAL ESTATE AWARD
        neighborhood, this property
        was originally constructed for                                                                                             A prestigious award was presented to   CONQUERING
        housing during WWII. The name                                                                                              Eugene F. Ford, Sr. at the 6th Annual
                                                                                                                                   University of Maryland Innovation &
        ‘Lineage’ was selected because
        it is suggestive of the relationship                                                                                       Entrepreneurship Real Estate Awards.
        between past and present—honoring the                                                                                      To this day, Mr. Ford’s legacy continues
        property’s roots while leading the way for                                                                                 to thrive within our company culture
                                                                                                                                   and our core values to improve
        redevelopment of the area. The property’s                                                                                                                      COVID
        affordability will provide opportunity for some                                                                            people’s lives. Thank you, Mr. Ford,
        new Alexandria residents to call it home.                                                                                  for your visionary approach to
        This community is still under construction                                                                                 delivering quality multifamily housing.
                                                                                                                                   Eugene F. Ford, Jr. accepted the
        and is projected to open in October.
                                                                                                                                   award on behalf of his father.
                                               52 100%                                            ALEXANDRIA                                                            MASKS FOR ALL
                                                                                                   OLD TOWN
                                                                                                                                                                        Custom Edgewood and Vantage
                                                  UNITS           AFFORDABLE COMMUNITY                                                                                  washable masks were designed by
                                                                                                                                                                        our team and distributed along with
                                                                                                                                                                        disposable masks to each and every
                                                                                            TIMBERLAWN CRESCENT                                                         member of our organization.

                                                                                                                                         SATISFACTS AND APARTMENT
                                                                                     NORTH BETHESDA                                RATINGS.COM AWARD WINNERS

                                                                                                                                   Join us in celebrating our Vantage
                                                                                     This mixed income housing
                                                                                     community featuring both market               properties for their respective
                                                                                     rate and affordable housing homes             SatisFacts Award and                                                             NOT ALL HEROES
                                                                                     is a wonderful addition to our       Award wins.                                                   WEAR CAPES.
                                                                                                                                   Thank you to our team members
                                                                                     Vantage portfolio.                                                                                                          OUR “FIELD HEROES”
                                                                                                                                   for their excellent service!
             We feel privileged to have Vantage Management take over the onsite management of Timberlawn Crescent,” said                                                                                              WEAR MASKS!
        Montgomery County Housing Opportunities Executive Director, Stacy Spann. “Their track record and reputation as industry    SATISFACTS AWARD WINNERS
        leaders in affordable and mixed-income housing management made them the ideal choice to take the reins at this impressive     The Premier Apartments
        community. We look forward to watching the property flourish under their direction.                                           Washington Apartments

                                                                                                                                   AWARD WINNERS
                                                                                                                                      Capitol Park Plaza and Twins
                               WE STAND IN SOLIDARITY.                                                                                Marbury Plaza
                                                                                                                                      The Premier
                                                                                                                                      Queenstown Apartments
                             Edgewood and Vantage join all those who oppose racism in any form and support programs that can          Washington Apartments
                             assist with the needs of oppressed people who continue to suffer. Making a donation to the NAACP
                             Legal Defense Fund is one way we are supporting the ideals of justice and better policing for all, not   NAHMA TOP 100
                             just some. In addition, for this year we officially recognized Juneteenth
                             as a company holiday in order to reflect on the history and implications                              We are proud to announce that
                                                                                                                                   Edgewood has ranked 12th in
                             of slavery, while also celebrating Black culture and heritage. It is a day
        of remembrance and an opportunity to speak up and create better dialogue in our communities.                               NAHMA’s Affordable Top 100 for
        Let’s continue our mission to respect, appreciate and improve people’s lives, especially those in                          2020. Congratulations to our entire
        greatest need. We are all united in this mission together. Thank you for being a part of our family.                       team for your continued commitment
                                                                                                                                   to helping improve people’s lives. See

                                       #IMPROVINGPEOPLESLIVES  |  #UNITEDINHARMONY                                                 the full list here: https://www.nahma.
                                               #NOWISTHETIME  |  #JUNETEENTH                                                       org/about/affordable-100/
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