Page 713 - Master Catalog 2017, Inch
P. 713
Technical Information
Failure and Solution Guide
possible solution
increase SFM reduce SFM increase chip load decrease chip load where failure occurs use tougher carbide grade use harder carbide grade apply coolant use coated carbide use topping insert change infeed angle check for insert movement and reseat reduce tool overhang reselect shim apply chipbreaker style reduce DOC adjust center height begin cutting threads .472" before workpiece change infeed method
bur on crest
short tool life
chipped leading edge
chipped trailing edge
broken nose
(fi rst pass)
broken nose
(after fi rst pass)
built-up on cutting edge
premature topping
splitting threads
poor chip evacuation F87
10/30/15 2:14 PM
WID_Master16_Turning_Threading_F086_F087_Minch_REBRAND.indd 87 L V i WID M 16 T i Th di F086 F087 Mi h REBRANDO b 152015841AM