Page 3 - Rotary GML April 2022 Month Ebook
P. 3

District Governor’s


                       District Governor

        My Dear Rotarians,                                    to a semblance of normalcy. Rotarians are voluntarily
                                                              approaching many of the Government Schools to
        Warm Rotary Greetings!                                know  about  the  requirement  of  assistance  towards
        As we march towards the next Rotary year, the month   classroom renovations, repairing and replacement of
        of  March started  with the  AGTS  for  the  Assistant   tables, desks, play equipment, smart class rooms etc..
        Governor Designates at Thekkady. I had the privilege
        of inaugurating the Seminar and had the opportunity   I feel so proud of the Rotarians of our District who
        of interacting with the delegates.                    have found opportunities to serve when the Society is
                                                              recovering from the ravages of the Covid pandemic.
        After a lull  in  activities during  the previous two
        months because  of the third wave of COVID , this     On the last day of January the senior most PDG of
        month all the clubs were very active as if to make up   our District Rtn. S.R.P Jagatheesan  passed away
        for lost time. I had a wonderful time with my Rotary   leaving behind a huge  void in Rotary’s  sphere  of
        friends as there were 18 GOVs and 7 other programs    service.  Even  though he  is not among us  now,  he
        involving significant projects.                       will always be remembered for his dedicated service
        The  Official  Visits  started  with  the  inauguration  of   and immeasurable contribution towards the Society
        a brand new School Block at Murickassery built in     in general and the Rotary movement in particular. A
        place of one devastated by the floods two years back.   Remembrance meeting was conducted in his honour
        Other significant project inaugurations in which I had   and was attended by many Rotarians.
        the opportunity to participate were a new Vocational  Let me take this opportunity to invite each and every
        Training Centre at Chalakudy, a Smart Class Room at  one of you for our District Conference – “Rotary Utsav
        Cochin and a Brand new ICU Ward at the Government  2022” to be held on 7th and 8th of May 2022 at PSG
        Taluk Hospital at  Kunnamkulam.                       ITECH Auditorium, Coimbatore. Please do come with
        With our District Priorities - “Our Lovely Planet” in   your friends and family to celebrate Rotary.We have
        mind,  a lot of  clubs  are  practicing the  concept of   lined up an array of great speakers and entertainment
        planting  more number of trees through distributing   for the Gala event.
        saplings  to the  public  and  encouraging them  in  Let us together “Serve to Change Lives” to make “Our
        planting trees towards conserving and protecting our  Lovely Planet” even lovelier.
        Other Significant Projects I visited were the Nectar of  With regards,
        Life – Human Milk Bank Project at the Government
        Hospital,  Cochin, regular supply  of medicines  to  Yours in Rotary,
        Old Age Homes, Renovated Classrooms and Smart
        Classrooms in Government Schools.                     Rtn. Rajasekhar Srinivasan
        As the Covid Pandemic seems  to have  receded,  District Governor  2021-22
        children are back at school and things are returning  R I District 3201

                                                                            OUR LOVELY PLANET     APRIL 2022    3
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