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ixDAN S. KENNEDY is a from-scratch multi-millionaire serial entrepreneur, and a sought-after direct marketing strategy consultant and direct-response copywriter who has frequently, intimately worked with start-ups and growth companies in FUHDWLQJ%u0003PXOWL%u0010PLOOLRQ%u0010%u0003WR%u0003ELOOLRQ%u0010GROODU%u0003VXFFHVVHV%u0011%u0003+H%u0003LQ%u00c1%u0003XHQFHV%u0003well over a million entrepreneurs, small business owners, private practice professionals, and sales professionals each year through the ever-growing NO B.S. book series, the NO B.S. Inner Circle/Magnetic Marketing newsletter, courses, events and coaching programs, and other newsletters and speaking engagements. While famously a modern Luddite personally, for his clients he utilizes all available media and online opportunities and, as of this writing, is a shareholder in numerous marketing automation DQG%u0003 WHFK%u0003 FRPSDQLHV%u0003 LQFOXGLQJ%u0003 .HDS%u0003 %u000b,QIXVLRQVRIW%u000c%u000f%u0003 6QRZ%u00c1%u0003DNH%u000f%u0003About the Authors