Page 15 - Demo
P. 15
The COVID ECONOMY changed how your prospects decide WHAT and WHEN to buy, and WHO they will buy from. Things will NEVER go back to the old way.The only question is...Will You Adapt & Prosper - Or Risk Everything & Die Online %u2013 Don%u2019t Be Left Behind %u2013 The Choice Is Yours...Here%u2019s what you need to know...In this letter... %u2022 FACTS: How the COVID Pandemic forever changed how peopleuse the web to determine WHAT they buy. WHEN they buy. WHOthey will buy from. And, why, (without adaptation), this changemay turn your web presence, and all your marketing assets, into aSUR%u00bfW%u0010NLOOLQJ%u0003OLDELOLW\\%u0003WKDW%u0003+(/36%u0003\\RXU%u0003FRPSHWLWRUV%u0003DQG%u0003+$506your business.%u2022 RISK OF INACTION: Why web pages that fail to meet the newconsumer standards for making buying decisions, drive up thecost of marketing, waste leads, alienate good prospects, slow sales,kill optimism, and do more harm than good.%u2022 WHAT TO DO NOW:%u00036WHSV%u0003\\RX%u0003FDQ%u0003WDNH%u000372'$<%u0003WR%u0003UHDFKSHRSOH%u0003,'($/%u0003IRU%u0003\\RXU%u0003SUHPLXP%u0003SURGXFW%u0003RU%u0003VHUYLFH%u0011%u0003$QG%u000f%u0003EULQJ\\RXU%u0003ZHE%u0003SUHVHQFH%u000f%u0003VDOHV%u0003OHWWHUV%u0003DQG%u0003$//%u0003\\RXU%u0003PDUNHWLQJ%u0003DVVHWV%u0003XSWR%u0003WKH%u0003QHZ%u0003VWDQGDUG%u000f%u0003VR%u0003SHRSOH%u0003ZKR%u0003%u00bfQG%u0003\\RX%u0003WKURXJK%u0003DQ\\%u0003PHDQVffl6(2%u000f%u0003SDLG%u0003WUD%u0264F%u000f%u0003DQG%u0003VR%u0003RQ%u000f%u0003WDNH%u0003\\RX%u0003VHULRXVO\\%u0011WARNING: THE CONTENTS OF THIS LETTER MAY JOLT YOU