Page 52 - Demo
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4 NO B.S. Guide to Selling Your Company for Top DollarIMPORTANT AUTHOR%u2019S INTRODUCTION NOT TO BE SKIPPEDIn this book, I have shared my experiences, my co-author 'DYLG%u00030HOURVH%u0003KDV%u0003VKDUHG%u0003KLV%u000f%u0003DQG%u0003,%u0003KDYH%u0003DVVHPEOHG%u0003%u00c0YH%u0003VHOOHUV%u0003RI%u0003companies, all students or clients of mine, who have generously shared their experiences. This is like a guided tour of Oz, after you%u2019ve arrived from Kansas. You%u2019ll see that the logic of conducting business back home is not the logic, or often illogic, of selling your company in Oz. You are a stranger in a strange place, inhabited by some pretty strange critters, like Private Equity Investors, who do NOT look at a business as you do; Venture Capitalists; Idiot Bankers; and Bloody, Sword-Wielding Deal Killers. By the time we%u2019ve taken this guided walk down the yellow brick road DQG%u0003\\RX%u0003%u00c0QLVK%u0003WKLV%u0003ERRN%u000f%u0003,%u0003SURPLVH%u0003\\RX%u0003ZLOO%u0003VHH%u0003WKH%u0003VDOH%u0003RI%u0003\\RXU%u0003FRPSDQ\\%u0003 GL%u037fHUHQWO\\%u0003 WKDQ%u0003 \\RX%u0003 LPDJLQH%u0003 QRZ%u0011%u0003 $QG%u0003 \\RX%u0003 ZLOO%u0003 EH%u0003better empowered to navigate Oz on your own, going forward. This is not an exhaustive textbook on the sale of a business, full of EBITDA, accrual vs. cash accounting, balance sheets, and RWKHU%u0003&3$%u0003DQG%u0003EDQNHU%u0003VWX%u037f%u0011%u0003