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                                    6 NO B.S. Guide to Selling Your Company for Top DollarIMPORTANT AUTHOR%u2019S INTRODUCTION NOT TO BE SKIPPEDextraordinary businesses sold for tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars, even in one case, a billion dollars. David 0HOURVH%u00b7V%u0003 PLG%u0010HLJKW%u0010%u00c0JXUH%u0003 VDOH%u0003 LV%u0003 RQH%u0003 RI%u0003 PDQ\\%u0011%u0003 $Q%u0003 HQRUPRXV%u0003amount of wealth has been created. Being in business often only creates income, with lifestyle unwisely allowed to elevate in tandem with rising income, and it is damnably hard in our UHJUHVVLYH%u000f%u0003 SXQLWLYH%u0003 WD[%u0003 V\\VWHP%u0003 WR%u0003 VLSKRQ%u0003 R%u037f%u0003ZHDOWK%u0003 IURP%u0003 \\RXU%u0003income. It can and should be done, but rarely is. Most business owners have wealth captive inside their companies, thus only %u201con paper%u201d and %u201cin theory,%u201d until they sell. I sincerely want you to be wealthy. So, my friend, welcome to Oz. Let%u2019s start looking around%u2026Preview Copy | 50
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