Page 58 - Demo
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20 NO B.S. Guide to Selling Your Company for Top DollarCHAPTER 2 / MY STORY OF SELLING MY COMPANYNormal. Customary. Standard Terms. Way back when, Hollywood operated on a studio system. Actors, actresses, movie stars were all under multi-picture, multi-year contracts, typically salary based, with little or no bonuses tied WR%u0003D%u0003%u00c0OP%u00b7V%u0003VXFFHVV%u0011%u0003$W%u0003RQH%u0003SRLQW%u000f%u0003DFWRUV%u0003ZLWK%u0003HQRXJK%u0003SRSXODULW\\balked. The whole system collapsed and was rebuilt, favoring the stars. They became freelancers, they got negotiated fees per picture, and they got %u201cpoints.%u201d Way back, TV stars got no royalties. Then that changed. We can go industry by industry. Until somebody asked, nothing changed%u2014it was just the way it was done. Somebody who the studio, the network, etc. really, really, really wanted suddenly made a whole new kind of compensation structure demand%u2014and got it. Such secrets are hard to keep. You really can%u2019t just cede and surrender to usual, normal, and FXVWRPDU\\%u0011%u0003