Page 20 - Demo
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past established real estate businesses with 20 years in that market like they were standing still. In three short years he went from nobody, to being the ten-thousand-pound gorilla in one of the most competitive real estate markets in America.He dominated DEAL FLOW. And ran circles around huge real estate companies with dozens and even hundreds of agents. By making it easy for a seller to list a property for the world to see, he quickly dominated listings. By integrating listing data into a site investors use to search for properties that meet their LQYHVWPHQW%u0003FULWHULD%u000f%u0003KH%u0003GRPLQDWHG%u0003GHDO%u0003%u00c0RZ%u0011%u0003He dominated both sides of a real estate transaction LQ%u0003RQH%u0003RI%u0003$PHULFD%u00b6V%u0003ODUJHVW%u0003FLWLHV%u0003%u00bfOOHG%u0003ZLWK%u0003WRS%u0010QRWFK%u0003competitors. And did it in record time. 7KLV%u0003LV%u0003ZKDW%u0003WHFKQRORJ\\%u0003DQG%u0003D%u0003NHHQ%u0003XQGHUVWDQGLQJ%u0003RI%u0003KRZ%u0003WR%u0003XVH%u0003NH\\%u0003SHUIRUPDQFH%u0003LQGLFDWRUV%u0003FDQ%u0003GR%u0003IRU%u0003D%u0003EXVLQHVV%u0011%u0003,W%u0003RSHQV%u0003GRRUV%u0003QRWKLQJ%u0003HOVH%u0003FDQ%u0003RSHQ%u0011%u0003$QG%u0003PDNHV%u0003LW%u0003SRVVLEOH%u0003WR%u0003PDNH%u0003PRUH%u0003JDLQV%u0003LQ%u0003D%u0003\\HDU%u0003%u0010%u0003WKDQ%u0003\\RX%u0003PD\\%u0003KDYH%u0003\\RXU%u0003HQWLUH%u0003WLPH%u0003LQ%u0003EXVLQHVV%u0011%u0003Using your important numbers to make better decisions is that powerful. And may well be that powerful for you. It can change everything FAST. Everything boils down to this.Monitoring key performance data in real time - and using it to make smart decisions GIVES YOU THE SAME KIND OF ADVANTAGE HUGE COMPANIES LIKE CARMAX, PRICELINE AND AIR B & B HAVE %u2013 the ability to make decisions based on fact. Not guesswork. If you earn at least $30,000 a month marketing online now, and use any kind of online advertising%u0003%u000b*RRJOH%u0003$GV%u000f%u0003)DFHERRN%u000f%u00036(2%u000c%u0003to drive people to a sales funnel%u2026