Page 30 - Demo
P. 30
Monitoring KPIs and acting on the data is the key to the kingdom. Running a business without that is like running through a forest blindfolded, you may get somewhere. But there are no guarantees. It%u2019s risky. And better to just open your eyes and proceed with caution. Having instant access on a single information control panel with all the important numbers in your business available at a glance %u2013 with problems highlighted %u2013 and knowing how to use those numbers to make better decisions - can put you on a fast-track to wealth.Tracking your numbers and knowing how to use them eliminates guesswork.The right data empowers you to make good decisions and avoid problems EHIRUH%u0003WKH\\%u0003PRUSK%u0003LQWR%u0003PRQVWHUV%u0003WKDW%u0003WDNH%u0003D%u0003FKXQN%u0003RXW%u0003RI%u0003\\RXU%u0003VDOHV%u0003DQG%u0003SUR%u00bfW%u0003%u00b1%u0003DQG%u0003DUH%u0003PXFK%u0003KDUGHU%u0003WR%u0003GHDO%u0003ZLWK%u0011Early Warning System: Like the weather, business conditions change. Spotting tale-tell signs of a change that may hurt before sales decline or costs soar, empowers you tweak things along the way, always optimizing instead of trying to recover and make up for lost time. You will know your business better than ever: With your dashboard in place and a tutorial on how to use it, \\RX%u0003ZLOO%u0003XQGHUVWDQG%u0003\\RXU%u0003EXVLQHVV%u0003EHWWHU%u0003WKDQ%u0003HYHU%u0003DQG%u0003ZLOO%u0003NQRZ%u0003PRUH%u0003DERXW%u0003KRZ%u0003WR%u0003LQFUHDVH%u0003VDOHV%u0003WKDQ%u0003DQ\\%u0003FRPSHWLWRU%u0003ZLWKRXW%u0003WKH%u0003VDPH%u0003GDWD%u0011%u0003Actionable Information: Peter Drucker said, %u00b5QRWKLQJ%u0003LV%u0003PRUH%u0003XVHOHVV%u0003WKDQ%u0003GRLQJ%u0003ZHOO%u0003WKDW%u0003ZKLFK%u0003VKRXOG%u0003QRW%u0003EH%u0003GRQH%u0003DW%u0003DOO%u0011%u00b6 With your GDVKERDUG%u0003%u00b1%u0003\\RX%u0003ZLOO%u0003KDYH%u0003WKH%u0003GDWD%u0003\\RX%u0003QHHG%u0003WR%u0003PDNH%u0003GHFLVLRQV%u0003WKDW%u0003PDWWHU%u000f%u0003ACTIONABLE DECISIONS on key performance indicators that optimize results in a FAST and MEASURABLE way.