Page 26 - Demo
P. 26
Nothing on the market compares with this. Your master control panel will be FAR MORE POWERFUL, FAR MORE FUNCTIONAL %u2013 AND PROVIDE FAR MORE IMPORTANT '$7$%u0003WKDQ%u0003DQ\\%u0003%u00b5R%u0263%u0003WKH%u0003VKHOI%u00b6%u0003GDVKERDUG%u0003LV%u0003FDSDEOH%u0003RI%u0011%u0003If you drive prospects to a discovery call %u2013 a custom information dashboard may help you close PRUH%u0003VDOHV%u0003IDVW%u0003%u0010%u0003ZLWKRXW%u0003VSHQGLQJ%u0003DQ%u0003H[WUD%u0003FHQW%u0003RQ%u0003SEO, paid ads, or anything else. With real-time data on how many calls originate from which ad source, how many rings before the call is answered, who answered the call, how long it lasted, outcome of the call, how many outbound calls were made from each extension, to whom, how long they lasted, and so on, including a recording of the call, \\RX%u0003KDYH%u0003WKH%u0003GDWD%u0003\\RX%u0003QHHG%u0003%u00bf[%u0003SUREOHPV%u0003DQG%u0003RSWLPL]H%u0003results. With this information gathered in real time and accessible to you 24 hours a day in your custom dashboard - you can tell at a glance who is doing what with your telephone marketing. )UHG%u0003PD\\%u0003VSHDN%u0003ZLWK%u0003WZLFH%u0003DV%u0003PDQ\\%u0003SHRSOH%u0003DV%u0003%RE%u000f%u0003EXW%u0003%RE%u0003PD\\%u0003EH%u0003FORVH%u0003WZLFH%u0003DV%u0003PDQ\\%u0003VDOHV%u0011%u0003$QG%u0003*ORULD%u0003PD\\%u0003VSHDN%u0003WR%u0003KDOI%u0003DV%u0003PDQ\\%u0003SHRSOH%u0003DV%u0003%RE%u0003DQG%u0003VHOO%u0003WZLFH%u0003DV%u0003PXFK%u0011%u0003:RQGHU%u0003ZKDW%u0003*ORULD%u0003NQRZV%u0003WKDW%u0003%RE%u0003GRHVQ%u00b6W\KDSSHQ%u0003LI%u0003%RE%u0003DQG%u0003)UHG%u0003WULHG%u0003LW%u0003KHU%u0003ZD\\\Monitoring key performance data and using that data to make better decisions is like adding jet fuel to your sales engine. With the right data you have the information you need to STOP WORRYING. STOP GUESSING. AND OPTIMIZE EVERY STEP IN YOUR TELEPHONE SALES PROCESS. And this alone may bring your business to a whole new level of sales %u2013 without you spending an extra cent on advertising or marketing.