Page 37 - Demo
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NO B.S. Direct Marketing 53CHAPTER 4 / NO FREELOADERS ALLOWEDsuch media, just the same as for all media. You will be told LW%u00b7V%u0003 GL%u037fHUHQW%u000f%u0003 EXW%u0003 DOZD\\V%u0003 UHPHPEHU%u0003 \\RX%u0003 GRQ%u00b7W%u0003 JHW%u0003 WR%u0003 VSHQG%u0003GL%u037fHUHQW%u0003PRQH\\%u0003RU%u0003GL%u037fHUHQW%u0003KRXUV%u0003RQ%u0003LW%u0011%u0003$%u0003GROODU%u0003LV%u0003D%u0003GROODU%u0011%u0003$Q%u0003hour is an hour.There are two reasons for holding all media harshly accountable. First, because management by objectives is the only kind of management that actually works. When an 1)/%u0003 IRRWEDOO%u0003 WHDP%u0003 WDNHV%u0003 WKH%u0003 %u00c0HOG%u0003 RQ%u0003 6XQGD\\%u000f%u0003 WKHUH%u0003 DUH%u0003 WHDP%u0003objectives%u2014not just winning, but for ingredients of victory%u2014that can be measured. Each player also has individual, measurable objectives that he and his coaches have discussed before the game and will evaluate after the game. This is the ZD\\%u0003LW%u0003VKRXOG%u0003EH%u0003ZKHQ%u0003\\RXU%u0003 WHDP%u0003 WDNHV%u0003 WKH%u0003%u00c0HOG%u0011%u0003