Page 35 - Demo
P. 35

                                    51Most of us try to hold people accountable forDVVLJQHG%u0003 WDVNV%u000f%u0003 EXW%u0003 D%u0003ORW%u0003 RI%u0003 EXVLQHVVSHRSOH%u0003 DUHQ%u00b7W%u0003 DV%u0003tough on the dollars they put to work in advertising and marketing.7KH%u0003 HFRQRP\\%u0003 %u00c1%u0003XFWXDWHV%u0011%u0003 7KHUH%u0003 KDYH%u0003 EHHQ%u0003 SHULRGV%u0003 ZKHUH%u0003PRQH\\%u0003 ZDV%u0003 UXQQLQJ%u0003 XSKLOO%u0011%u0003 &RQVXPHUV%u0003 VSHQGLQJ%u0003 OLNH%u0003 WKH%u0003proverbial drunken sailors. At other times, for one reason or DQRWKHU%u000f%u0003WKLV%u0003NLQG%u0003RI%u0003OLTXLGLW\\%u0003GULHV%u0003XS%u0011%u0003$V%u0003,%u00b7P%u0003ZULWLQJ%u0003WKLV%u000f%u0003KLJK%u0003LQ%u00c1%u0003DWLRQ%u0003HVSHFLDOO\\%u0003DW%u0003 WKH%u0003VXSHUPDUNHW%u0003DQG%u0003 WKH%u0003JDV%u0003SXPS%u000f%u0003KLJK%u0003LQWHUHVW%u0003UDWHV%u000f%u0003ZDJHV%u0003QRW%u0003NHHSLQJ%u0003SDFH%u0003ZLWK%u0003LQ%u00c1%u0003DWLRQ%u000f%u0003DQG%u0003UHFRUG%u0003high credit card debt have combined to shift a lot of spending from options and luxuries to essentials. Successful entrepreneurs and savvy marketers must adapt to win in any of these conditions. One thing the tougher times do is make business owners think No Freeloaders AllowedBy Marty FortCHAPTER 4
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