Page 54 - Demo
P. 54
90 NO B.S. Direct MarketingSECTION 1 / FOUNDATIONadvertorials in the same publications. Tear out and keep these ads, and discard all others. Let these true mail-order ads be your only models. If you will respond to some, your mailbox will soon be full of direct-mail, also following classic formats and architecture. Resource Alert! We feature this kind of advertising for diverse businesses in most issues of the No B.S. Marketing Letter. See Page 215 for your opportunity to receive it. I also want you to seek out%u2014Google, Amazon, etc.%u2014the IROORZLQJ%u0003OHJHQGDU\\%u0003PDLO%u0010RUGHU%u0003PHQffl%u0003-RH%u00036XJDUPDQ%u000f%u0003*HUDUGR%u0003-R%u037fH%u000f%u0003DQG%u0003(%u0011%u0003-RVHSK%u0003&RVVPDQ%u0011%u0003*HW%u0003WKHLU%u0003ERRNV%u0011%u00036WXG\\%u0003WKHLU%u0003DGV%u0011%u0003These men know how to format a mail-order ad. As you come to recognize the main mail-order ad formats %u000bDQG%u0003HYHU\\WKLQJ%u0003HOVH%u0003WKDW%u0003LVQ%u00b7W%u000c%u000f%u0003\\RX%u0003VKRXOG%u0003EXLOG%u0003ZKDW%u0003GLUHFW%u0003PDUNHWLQJ%u0003 SURV%u0003 FDOO%u0003 %u00b4VZLSH%u0003 %u00c0OHV%u00b5%u0003 IRU%u0003 \\RXUVHOI%u000f%u0003 %u00c0OOHG%u0003 ZLWK%u0003VDPSOH%u0003 DGV%u0003 WRUQ%u0003 IURP%u0003 GL%u037fHUHQW%u0003 PDJD]LQHV%u0003 DQG%u0003 QHZVSDSHUV%u000f%u0003downloaded from the web, retained from mailings%u2014only the mail-order style ads. When you go to create something for yourself, you can review these samples for inspiration, ideas, and to keep you inside the guardrails of mail-order ad appearance.Understand, what I am telling you to do is %u201cstrange.%u201d On its surface, it is akin to telling you to put your car in storage and drive a boat to and from work on city streets. Others who see you using mail-order ad formats for your business will think