Page 53 - Demo
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NO B.S. Direct Marketing 89CHAPTER 7 / TUX, TAILS, & TOP HAT OR COVERALLS & WORK BOOTS?LJQRUH%u0003DOO%u0003RWKHUV%u0011%u00037KH%u0003SD\\%u0010SHU%u0010FOLFN%u0003DG%u0003PLPLFV%u0003WKH%u0003FODVVL%u00c0HG%u0003DG%u0011%u0003The home page of a website mimics the classic ad: There is a headline and subheads at the top, some product or proposition LQIR%u0003LQ%u0003WKH%u0003PLGGOH%u000f%u0003DQG%u0003D%u0003FOLFN%u0003WR%u0003RUGHU%u000f%u0003D%u0003IRUP%u0003WR%u0003%u00c0OO%u0003LQ%u000f%u0003DQ%u0003HPDLO%u0003ER[%u0003WR%u0003%u00c0OO%u0003LQ%u000f%u0003DW%u0003WKH%u0003ERWWRP%u0011%u00037KLV%u0003PD\\%u0003EH%u0003DVVLVWHG%u0003ZLWK%u0003YLGHR%u0011%u0003,W%u0003may not%u0003EH%u0003SROOXWHG%u0003ZLWK%u0003WRS%u000f%u0003VLGH%u000f%u0003RU%u0003ERWWRP%u0003SDQHOV%u0003R%u037fHULQJ%u0003a myriad of click options taking visitors hither and thon and putting them in control of an experience full of variables. It will be the start of a single, focused sales presentation leading to a decision, response, or purchase instructions, and an action%u2014just like a print ad. The other reliable format is that of a letter, from you to the reader, at whatever length is needed to do the job. We mail 4-, 8-, 16-, 24-, and in one case 64-page sales letters. One of these, the 16-page one, literally tacked up online as a landing page, KDYLQJ%u0003WUD%u0380F%u0003GULYHQ%u0003WR%u0003LW%u000f%u0003SURGXFHG%u0003RYHU%u0003%u0007%u0014%u0003PLOOLRQ%u0003D%u0003\\HDU%u0003IRU%u0003ffi%u0003\\HDUV%u00b7%u0003UXQQLQJ%u0011To see real mail-order advertising, you need to assemble a diverse assortment of magazines in which many highly successful mail-order companies consistently run full-page advertisements. These include Reader%u2019s Digest Large Print Edition, Farm Bureau journals, tabloids like National Enquirer, business publications like Investor%u2019s Business Daily, Entrepreneur,and Forbes. Almost all special interest magazines for model railroad hobbyists, gun enthusiasts, horse lovers, etc., have IUDFWLRQDO%u0003 DQG%u0003 IXOO%u0010SDJH%u0003 PDLO%u0010RUGHU%u0003 DGV%u0011%u0003