Page 55 - Demo
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NO B.S. Direct Marketing 91CHAPTER 7 / TUX, TAILS, & TOP HAT OR COVERALLS & WORK BOOTS?you as batty as if you were driving a boat down the highway. 7KDW%u00b7V%u0003RND\\%u0011%u00037KHUH%u00b7V%u0003PHWKRG%u0003WR%u0003WKH%u0003PDGQHVV%u0003First, only mail-order ads actually persuade people to buy things and to do so immediately and directly. Presuming you ZRXOG%u0003OLNH%u0003WR%u0003VHOO%u0003WKLQJV%u0003ZLWK%u0003\\RXU%u0003DGV%u000f%u0003,%u0003VXJJHVW%u0003LW%u00b7V%u0003QRW%u0003reallystrange at all to emulate only the ads that sell, rather than emulating all kinds of ads that do not sell. Other ad formats and styles may brand-build, please the eye aesthetically, be SUDLVHG%u0003 DV%u0003 FUHDWLYH%u000f%u0003 ZLQ%u0003 FULWLFDO%u0003 DFFODLP%u0003 DQG%u0003 DZDUGV%u000f%u0003 D%u037fHFW%u0003market share over time, immeasurably and uncertainly LQ%u00c1XHQFH%u000f%u0003SODQW%u0003 WKRXJKWV%u0003 WKDW%u0003ODWHU%u0003LQ%u00c1XHQFH%u0003SXUFKDVLQJ%u0011%u0003%XW%u0003only mail-order ads sell and sell now. For you this may mean %u00b4VHOOLQJ%u00b5%u0003IUHH%u0003LQIRUPDWLRQ%u000f%u0003D%u0003YLVLW%u0003WR%u0003D%u0003UHWDLO%u0003ORFDWLRQ%u000f%u0003DQ%u0003H[DP%u0003or diagnostic call, viewing an online presentation, attending a webinar, or an actual product or service. In ANY case, you want to make a sale; to get an immediate response, so copying mail-order advertising is the most relevant.Think about it this way: If you wanted to succeed as a VDOHVSHUVRQ%u0003 LQ%u0003 D%u0003 JLYHQ%u0003 %u00c0HOG%u000f%u0003 DQG%u0003 WKHUH%u0003 ZHUH%u0003 GLVGDLQHG%u0003 EXW%u0003highly successful and prosperous salespeople and there was a much larger, more peer-popular, more commonly seen JURXS%u0003 RI%u0003 VDOHVSHRSOH%u0003 VX%u037fHULQJ%u0003 IURP%u0003 HORQJDWHG%u0003 VDOHV%u0003 F\\FOHV%u000f%u0003poor conversion rates, barely eking out a living while hoping WR%u0003EXLOG%u0003XS%u0003JRRGZLOO%u0003WKDW%u0003ZLOO%u0003SD\\%u0003R%u037f%u0003VRPHGD\\%u00b3ZKLFK%u0003RQHV%u0003would you want to be permitted to shadow for a few weeks, WKHQ%u0003 HPXODWH\WKH%u0003 %u00c0UVW%u0003 JURXS%u0011%u0003 0RVW%u0003 RI%u0003 WKH%u0003 DGYHUWLVLQJ%u0003 \\RX%u0003 VHH%u0003 LV%u0003 IURP%u0003 WKH%u0003VHFRQG%u0011%u0003%HZDUH%u0011%u0003%H%u0003ZDU\\%u0011%u0003%H%u0003VPDUW%u0004Second, sticking with mail-order ad formats prohibits a lot RI%u0003PLVWDNHV%u0011%u0003'DQ%u0003KDV%u0003 DOVR%u0003ZULWWHQ%u0003 WZR%u0003%u00c0FWLRQ%u0003ERRNV%u000f%u0003 DQG%u0003 WKH%u0003DGYLFH%u0003KH%u0003JRW%u0003ZKHQ%u0003KH%u0003ZDV%u0003ZULWLQJ%u0003WKH%u0003%u00c0UVW%u0003ERRN%u0003ZDV%u0003IURP%u0003D%u0003