Page 41 - Demo
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CHAPTER 1 / FORGET JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING YOU WERE EVER TOLD ABOUT POSITIVE THINKING24 NO B.S. Guide to Succeeding in Business by Breaking All the Rulesmomentary %u201ceffect.%u201d He can%u2019t extend it to, say, walking elevated off the ground for a mile. This is why, incidentally, for 40 years, I refused any speaking engagement where I was prohibited from selling my %u201ctool kits%u201d from the platform. To get people all jazzed up about my ideas and then send them home without the tools they needed to make real changes and without securing their commitment to doing so is just one giant waste of everybody%u2019s time. By noon the next day, the floating on air has worn off. It%u2019s over. Back to earth. The invincibility is gone. Back to %u201creality.%u201dThe truth is that JUST %u201cgetting motivated%u201d is futile, just as is %u201cthinking positive.%u201dCONTRARIAN SUCCESS STRATEGYGive up forced %u201cpositive thinking%u201d or %u201cmotivation%u201d; instead, build a solid foundation of strong self-image, well-defined goals, practical plans, and know-how that naturally produce positive expectancy initiative and follow-through. Cultivate REASONED optimism. Have something tangible to believe in and to be excited about%u2014not just excitement itself.