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Billing Service Guide
With the plan administrator section of, you can access a variety of resources to help
simplify account administration.
For your convenience, you’ll receive an email when a new bill is Include any premium changes in the grand total due, located
posted online. To reconcile your bills as quickly and easily as on the last page of the invoice.
possible, use Excel or deduction file submission. To add an employee to an invoice, write the employee’s
Deduction file submission information and added deduction amount on the last page
of the bill.
Download a report of deductions from your payroll system All adjusted premium will need to be added to or subtracted
each billing cycle.
from the grand total of the bill.
Upload the report to our website using our Secure File Mail your payment along with your handwritten, adjusted bill,
Transfer service, and we will reconcile your bill for you.
and please include your billing control number on your check.
If you use Excel or a PDF, you can view a summary of billing Once we receive your payment, we’ll apply it to the most
information on the home page. Make changes and view a outstanding invoice. Once the premium is applied, your
12-month billing history by clicking on your account name.
online bill status will be updated.
Download your bill by clicking on the Excel icon in the unpaid Bill payment
bill list. Regardless of how you reconcile your bill, our simple online payment
Update employee information, edit premium amounts, option provides an easy, quick and secure way to process payments.
change tax status of deductions or add missing information
directly in the Excel document. Online payments
Your bill adjustments will automatically calculate a new bill Add and store bank information for online payments.
total, and a summary of your adjustments will be displayed. Choose to pay one bill at a time or submit one payment for
Save your changes to the Excel document and click Make multiple bills by checking the box to the left of the invoice
a payment. number. A total of all bills will be automatically calculated for
you, and you can click Proceed to Payment.
Enter the adjusted bill amount in the payment amount field
and click Proceed to payment. Select your payment option and payment date. Options to
schedule a future payment date may be available. Access
Choose a payment method by clicking Pay online or Pay the calendar to the right of the payment date field to choose
by mail. Confirm your payment method to update the a payment date.
unpaid bill list.
We will send an email with confirmation of payment details
Once you have confirmed your payment method, use our on all future date scheduled payments.
Secure File Transfer tool to upload your adjusted Excel bill.
You can access Secure File Transfer from the home page Get real-time updates to bill status for more accurate
of our site or by clicking the link located within the bill history.
Excel document.
An instructions tab is located in the bottom left of each Mailed payments
Excel bill. Mail a check along with a printed remit slip or a copy of your
adjusted PDF bill.
Your bill status will be updated when we receive your check
Print a PDF of your bill by clicking on the invoice number in and apply the premium to your account.
the unpaid bills list.
We will process changes received with your payment during
Check the box on the first page of your bill to note changes. the premium application process.
Handwrite needed changes in the comments section along Bills that generate prior to premium being applied will not
with reasons for the changes. reflect changes from the previous bill.