Page 5 - The Child Has Curly and Straight Hair by Rizkiyah Alifatul F
P. 5
Arriving at school, Mutia was immediately directed by the
teacher to enter the classroom, the bell sounded a sign that she had
entered and lessons were about to begin. While in class, Mutia was
invited to come forward by the teacher to introduce herself as a new
student who had moved from Bali to Jakarta. When finished and invited
to sit down, the teacher explains the lesson that day, and at the end of
the lesson the teacher gives homework to the
Sesampai di sekolah, Mutia langsung diarahkan oleh Bu guru
untuk memasuki ruang kelas, bel berbunyi pun terdengar tanda sudah
masuk dan pelajaran akan segera dimulai. Saat di dalam kelas Mutia
dipersilahkan maju ke depan oleh Bu guru untuk memperkenalkan
dirinya sebagai murid baru yang pindahan dari Bali ke Jakarta. Setelah
selesai dan dipersilahkan duduk guru tersebut menjelskan pelajaran hari
itu, dan di akhir pelajaran guru tersebut memberikan tugas rumah
kepada murid-muridnya.