Page 6 - The Child Has Curly and Straight Hair by Rizkiyah Alifatul F
P. 6

When the bell rang home, it seemed that Mutia's friends were
        discussing to make a schedule for doing homework together, Mutia as a
        new student just sat and listened to their conversation. His friend heard
        him  saying,  "Incidentally,  tomorrow  is  the  time  for  Sunday  off  for
        school,  how  about  tomorrow  we  gather  at  Sinta's  house  to  work
        together? Suddenly they answered "Yes, it is possible". After that they
        all went home and waited for tomorrow to gather at Sinta's house.

               Saat  bel  berbunyi  pulang  tampaknya  teman-teman  Mutia
        berdiskusi untuk membuat jadwal mengerjakan tugas rumah bersama-
        sama,  Mutia  sebagai  murid  baru  hanya  duduk  dan  mendengarkan
        percakapan  mereka.  Terdengar  ucapan  temannya  berkata  “Kebetulan
        besok harai minggu waktunya libur seklah, bagaimana kalau besok kita
        berkumpul di rumah sinta untuk mengerjakan bersama-sama ? Sontak
        mereka menjawab “Iya, boleh”. Setelah itu mereka semua pulang dan
        menunggu esok hari untuk berkumpul di rumah Sinta.
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