Page 9 - The Child Has Curly and Straight Hair by Rizkiyah Alifatul F
P. 9

Hearing  his  friend's  advice,  Sinta  apologized  to  Mutia  and
        invited Mutia to join. Finally they all gathered to study together without
        any  differences,  Mutia  felt  happy  and  not  alone  because  her  friends
        could accept it even though they were physically different.

               Mendengar nasehat temannya, sinta pun meminta maaf kepada
        Mutia dan mengajak Mutia untuk bergabung. Akhirnya mereka semua
        berkumpul  untuk  belajar  bersama-sama  dengan  tanpa  adanya
        perbedaan, Mutia pun merasa senang dan tidak sendiri karena teman-
        temannya bisa menerima walaupun berbeda secara fisik.
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