Page 5 - New Employee Glossary
P. 5

Glossary     5

               Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR)

               An unintended and undesirable effect of a medication that occurs during usual clinical use

               Adverse Event (AE)

               An unwanted medical event occurring in a patient who is administered a medication, but
               which may not necessarily be caused by the medication itself

               Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS)

               Web-based global safety database for all post-marketing safety data and for all serious
               adverse events occurring in clinical trials

               AFFIRM (Natalizumab Safety and EFFIcacy in Relapsing-Remitting MS)

               Study of the effects of TYSABRI in patients with Relapse-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS)

               American Academy of Neurology (AAN)

               A professional society representing more than 21,000 neurologists and neuroscientists. The
               Academy holds an annual meeting that is attended by more than 15,000 neurologists and
               neuroscientists from the US and abroad.


               Study of the effects of TYSABRI in patients with Relapse-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS)

               Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

               A progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal
               cord, resulting in weakened muscles and limited physical function.

               Annual Operating Plan (AOP)

               Annual budget that acts as the company's annual targets

               Area Business Manager (ABM)

               Biogen sales representatives for neurology products


               Economic resource that is expected to provide benefits to a business. An asset has three
               vital characteristics: (1) future probable economic benefit, (2) control by the entity, and (3)
               results from a prior event or transaction. An asset may be tangible (physical) or intangible
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