Page 11 - NFS Value Prop Recruiting Booklet
P. 11
The AAG Approach
Business Development Builder & Realtor Program
Self Sourcing Platform 3 Our dedicated experts will work
3 Providing the Field Sales Loan alongside and independently to
Officer with tools to consistently identify and execute on opportunities
grow their business in the local in each region. The end goal is to
community. One of the main ways continually grow our resources and
we do this is through our recently as a result increase production for the
deployed Alternative Channel Loan Officer.
Programs. - Dedicated experts to assist in field
sales training
- National and local relationships to
Financial Advisor Program drive business to the field
3 Working in tandem with the Loan - Partnership with a national research
Officer, education and training data firm provides insight on the
is at the forefront. The goal is residential construction real estate
to enhance the knowledge and and housing market
reach of each participant and take - Our experts work hand in hand with
production to a higher level. loan officers to deliver education
- Comprehensive training through to builders and realtors to enhance
in-house experts production
- Build and strengthen business
partner relationships 3 Exclusive Purchase Process
- Local educational seminars for - Purchase Coordinator works to make
your business partners sure your purchase transaction goes
- Webinars: RM 101, The Boomer smoothly and closes on time
- Appointment setting program
with dedicated customer service Partnerships & Alliances:
America’s Choice in Homecare ™
Trusted Advisor Program (TAP)
3 Allows strategic alliance between
banks, credit unions, and broker shops
to be paid a fee for services rendered
- Customizable, branded marketing
The Alternative Channel is a specialized sales and development team that uses Ron Fechter
an educational approach to enhancing relationships for mutual business growth. AAG National
Originators can tap into a highly experienced team of professionals that have Director Strategic
served many years in their respective industries of which they now mentor. New Development
and highly exclusive access to detailed market data is available only to AAG
originators and the growth results have been unquestionable.