Page 12 - NFS Value Prop Recruiting Booklet
P. 12
Our goal is to continually increase
your business year after year.
Don’t settle for less, we won’t!
Sales Support
Education & Training Lunch & Learn
3 Comprehensive in-person training 3 Takes place in your local market
3Ongoing sales process coaching 3 Company sponsored event - means
AAG pays for it
- Financial Assessment sales process
- Want to host a lunch and learn in
- Dedicated Sales Coach per region
your area? AAG will help. Monthly
> One-on-one sales coaching events available. AAG mailing list
and invitation provided. We get
them there, you present and follow-
The “A” Team up.
3 In harmony with our continued
mission to offer our loan officers
world class service, the “A” TEAM Leads Program
(Always Training, Educating And 3High-quality, AAG branded leads
Motivating) has been developed 3Leads dispersed in local markets
to provide live assistance as well 3Lead creation & protocol support
as a support email box to help you 3 Real-time, live leads auto-transferred to
succeed here at AAG.
your cellphone
- Dedicated “Sales” Support Help
- Lead Creation and Protocol Support
- Your Go-To for Sales Related
Technology Systems
- Navigator for Loan Officer Your Customers
Assistance Deserve World Class
Company-Branded Servicing
Our Sales Support Team works
3Dedicated in-house servicing team hard to ensure you have the tools
you need to be successful to deliver
a world class experience to your
customers - every step of the way.