Page 9 - NFS Value Prop Recruiting Booklet
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Our Promise
You deserve to work distraction-free, knowing there is a team behind you to
help increase production. Both our Marketing Department and Alternative
Channel Division work tirelessly to bring you new opportunities for your
success. Our goal is to continually increase your business year after year. Don’t
settle for less, we won’t!
Our goal...Consistently working to
increase your business, eliminating distractions while
providing world class service!
Ron Fechter Shannon Robinson Robert Kane
National Director Director of Sales Support Director of Change
Strategic Development & Strategic Execution Implementation
Ron brings broad-based Robert and his team
experience to AAG in As the Director of Sales advance AAG’s efforts to
design, implementation Support and Strategic build critical structure,
and execution as it relates Execution Division, Shannon processes, and systems to
to financial services oversees a team that strives increase the capabilities
organizations. His focus is to deliver excellence in and efficiencies across our
on strategic development delivering world class service Sales and Fulfillment teams.
for the National Field Sales to our retail sales teams. Her Additionally, his team
platform as well as directing division is structured to create partners with the broader
the Alternative Channel an organized infrastructure Retail team, Enterprise
program. Alternative Channel that focuses on sales process Change and other functional
is providing unparalleled and strategy. By reviewing partners to ensure strong
concept designs in sales sales performances and process management, change
support via a multi-faceted metrics, this team implements execution, and coordination
approach that includes Real solutions that improve our across our platforms.
Estate, Financial Services, bottom line.
Builders, Banking, Corporate
Partnerships, as well as many
new and innovative initiatives
that will facilitate a robust and
effective array of mortgage
products and services.