P. 30

A: STAIRCASE                                           D: SACRIFICIAL TABLE
         This shrine provides the only passage to the under-    That sacrificial table is a large, single piece of wood
         ground laboratory of the Yakama family via spiral      that has been fashioned into a basic table.  Under this
         staircase.                                             table is writing that allows for the channeling of ener-
                                                                gy for transmutation experiments.   It is the ritual lo-
                                                                cation of Ganryu Yakama where he steals the energy
         The coffins found in the underground Yakama labor-     of an entity, usually a young male, and absorbs it to
         atory are hand made by Ganryu Yakama.  There can       prolong his own existence.  It is also where he at-
         be up to four coffins found in the underground labor-  tempts to resurrect his wife so that she may experi-
         atory.  These coffins may or may not be filled de-     ence the life Ganryu Yakama has been able to pro-
         pending on what has occurred in the laboratory.        vide for his own children.  The near successful exper-
                                                                iments have become the Yakama women: Asami,
         C: MINERALS
                                                                Kame, Miki, Megumi, Nana, Chioku and most re-
         There are several minerals found throughout the un-    cently, Rei Yakama.
         derground laboratory that all naturally occur. These   E: ALTER
         minerals are also found throughout the underground
         near and in Yakama Lake.  These rare materials grow    The alter is where Ganryu Yakama does most of his
         throughout the laboratory and are used to in the ex-   resurrection research and performances.  His personal
         periments of Ganryu Yakama.                            journal and strange concoctions can be found here
                                                                including a concoction that can permanently restore
                                                                years (remove all  physical damage, Status Effects,
                                                                conditions, scarring, etc.)  to one who ingests it.
                                                                F: COOKING AREA
                                                                This area contains several cabinets, used to store old
                                                                concoctions and ingredients, items and other necessi-
                                                                ties.  This is also the main room where concoctions
                                                                are prepared.

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