P. 35
Ugh… they’re at it again. You all, come with me,
“Battle Gear” quickly!
Megumi Yakama leads the group a short walk
Requirements: Beginner Level
through the house, around a few corners and back to
NPC Characters of Contact the training hall. Bursting through the doors the
-Megumi Yakama groups sees Kame and Chioku Yakama alone in the
training hall, entangled, grappling on the ground with
-Kame Yakama
each other. Megumi Yakama crosses her arm as a
-Chioku Yakama look of disbelief takes over her face. With one eye-
-Ganryu Yakama brow cocked and her lips twisted, she looks on as her
two sisters writhe around on the ground grunting an-
-Street Thugs
grily at each other trying to gain dominance. Megu-
Properties mi Yakama eggs on the action enjoying the moment.
-Yakama Compound MEGUMI YAKAMA
-Akita City You are not going to fall victim to the Leg Bar
again, are you? She got you good last time.
Megumi allows them to entertainer her for a few
-Tohoku Prefecture, Akita; 18° more moments. She then looks at the PC(s) with a
Summary deep sigh.
Megumi Yakama wakes the PC(s) to assist with a MEGUMI YAKAMA
quaral between her sisters Chioku and Kame Yaka- Well, what are you just standing there for? Break
ma. Sending the PC(s) on a journey out of town to them up!
bring back some equipment, the PC(s) encounter GM NOTE: Allow the PC(s) to figure out how to
some unpleasant citizens of Akita, who look to respectfully get their two superiors apart.
thwart the easy task.
Kame and Chioku Yakama have been separated.
PART 1 “Family Feud” And have slightly regained their composure. Occa-
sionally they will shoot callous glances at each other.
Location: Yakama Compound
Megumi Yakama stands in front of them sharing a
It’s a crisp winter night. The sting of frost burns disapproving look to both.
the nose as the group exits the training hall of the MEGUMI YAKAMA
Yakama Compound. A cold chill sends a spike of
SERIOUSLY!!! Is this how you behave toward each
sensitivity up the spine. The first frost breath disap- other? Kame, this is not like you at all, what has got-
pears under the moonlight. The group is preparing to ten into you? She’s just a baby. And Chioku, why
turn in after an intense training session. Megumi would you fight with one of your elders? What
Yakama stands waving goodbye as the group begins seems to be the problem?
their journey back to their living space. Suddenly a Kame Yakama touts herself proudly.
loud yell erupts from inside the building, followed by KAME YAKAMA
a second, different voice. Megumi Yakama’s head is The young spitfire wanted to challenge me. I was
snapped toward the sound. Her body flinches but she simply putting her in her place; my guard!
pauses, seemingly anticipating something. A short CHIOKU YAKAMA
time passes, and more yells are heard causing her to
Puh-lease, I knew you were trying to apply a knee
shake her head in disbelief. Finally she waves the PC bar. I was simply baiting you to apply my shoulder
(s) toward her. lock.