P. 38
Armorer. As the PC(s) walk the group hears a famil- ARMORER STORE ITEMS
iar voice pierce the empty sound of the alleyway Price Name Weight AR LiE
from behind them.
38 Kusazuri 1.5 8 25
25 Haidate 1 9 30
You’ve wandered into the wrong part of town now,
Yakama! 5 Tateage .1 5 10
The PC(s) turn to see the Street Thug from earli- 10 Suneate .2 6 20
er , and another of his partners, closing off the alley-
way with menacing grins on their faces. A quick 10 Kogake .1 5 10
glance over the shoulder and the PC(s) can see two 5 Kasa-Jirushi .1 N/A 5
more thugs approaching from the opposite direction. 3 Mabisashi .1 3 10
One is carrying a Jo Staff tapping it threateningly in
his palm. 3 Fukikaeshi .1 5 10
5 Shikoro .1 3 10
3 Maedate .1 N/A 5
I know you’re carrying a nice amount of cash. I saw
your pouch earlier. Give that to me, and we’ll let you 3 Mengu .1 8 10
go. If not, we’ll have to kill you, and just take it. 3 Sode-Jirushi .1 N/A 5
PART 5 “Return On Investment” 215 Shyubi No Dou 2 30 140
Location: Akita Prefecture, Akita 205 Kidzuki No Dou 2 18 90
205 Utsukushi Na Mengu .1 5 10
After dealing with the Street Thugs the PC(s)
make their way to the Armorer. A cart is pulling 200 Undouka No Suneate .1 6 20
away from the door and the Armorer is walking into 220 Koori No Kabuto .5 10 15
his shop through the front door.
Inside, the Armorer is unpacking some new PART 6 “Love Conquers”
crates. He is into his job and very pleased with the Location: Yamaka Compound
things he is unpacking.
The PC(s) have made their way back to the Yaka-
ARMORER ma Compound with the gear they have been required
Welcome back. You guys have great timing! The to purchase. The sun is setting behind the home.
shipment just came in. Uhh, your products are over Megumi Yakama is standing in the doorway as the
there. Four sets of Kendo armor. That’s four Men, group approaches.
Kendogi, Do, Hakama, Kote and Tare. Just as you
ordered. By the way, word travels around town fast MEGUMI YAKAMA
here. Apparently, you guys have eliminated a threat
in our area. Those thugs you bested have been terror- Oh! Welcome back! I trust that you got all of the
izing us lately and have been becoming more and gear I asked for? Well… the funny thing about this
more ruthless. As a thank you, you can have any- entire crazy day is that.. umm… well see for yourself.
thing in the store that you want, half price! Just look Megumi Yakama moves out of the way of the
around and let me know! door allowing the PC(s) to walk inside. She then
takes the lead walking the PC(s) down a few corri-
dors to the training hall. As she grabs the doors to
GM NOTE: Reference the Ninja vs. Samurai Player the training area, she pauses and smiles politely to the
Manual Chapter six, pages 171-186 for details about PC(s) over her shoulder.
purchases the PC(s) may make.
Sliding the door open The PC(s) see all of the
Yakama women sitting together. Chioku Yakama
sits in a cross legged style while Kame Yakama is
brushing her hair lovingly.