P. 42
The man musters enough strength to lift his hand dampness left by the melting snow. The other half of
toward the group before it splashes back to the blood. the mountain remains cold, white, untouched, and
pure. Acting as though it is merely a support struc-
ture for the more illuminated, lively, side of itself.
There is nothing we can do to save this man. Not While remaining entranced by this magnificence,
even with the medication I have with me. His
wounds are too great. All we can do is put him out of Miki Yakama holds her bag for someone to take.
his misery.
GM NOTE: While the group is occupied with the The herbs are to the right. Look for the pink flowers,
dying man, have the players roll an Awareness Test and collect as many as you can.
vs. the Jikininki (Keeping the purpose of this roll a God… is majestic.
secret). Select one of the players that the Jikininki
will try to steal from. GM NOTE: While the group is occupied with either
the view of the mountain or the gathering of flowers,
Should the selected PC fail the Awareness Test, have the players roll an Awareness Test vs. the Basan
select another target and have them perform an (Keeping the purpose of this roll a secret).
Awareness Test as well. Continue this until the Jiki-
ninki attempts to steal from Miki Yakama who will A Gust of winds blows behind the group swaying
catch the Jikininki red-handed. the tall grass in an odd direction. A thunderous
sound kicks up a mighty rumble and cloud of dust.
As the group tends to the dying man a Jikininki As the dust settles, giant wings flap an eerie rustling
attempts to steal the purse from Miki Yakama. With “basabasa” sound is heard, blowing the remaining
catlike reflexes she catches the yokai by the arm. It dust out of the way revealing an angry Basan. It
squeals and squirms trying to get away from her emits a long, thunderous shrill, takes flight and dives
grasp, but she is too strong. toward the group.
What should we do with this… thing?
Location: Yakama Compound
PART 6 “In the Clear”
After the walk home, Miki Yakama stops the
Location: Akita Prefecture, Akita group at the front door, turns and looks proudly upon
The group walks around the final bend of the pas- them.
sage, and is soon met by an open field covered in tall MIKI YAKAMA
grass waving calmly in the winter wind. A short You all have proven yourself to be among the strong-
walk through the grass to the edge of the clearing re- est of the Yakama. I am proud to have you in our
veals the most astounding view of mountains illumi- ranks. I will share your feats with Master Yakama
Ganryu who, I’m sure, will reward you handsomely.
nated by the red-orange glow of a setting sun. Miki Continue your journey in the path of restoration, and
Yakama stands at the edge taking in the view. soon, you will be able to call yourselves Masters.
The lightly snow-covered, mountain landscape is GM NOTE: Rewards
majestic, and allows flashes of color to contrast -Experience Points= TBD
against the monochromatic backdrop. The distant -Points of Renown= TBD
blue-silver mountains, those just out of the sunlight’s
reach, stand strong and proud while playfully tickling -Ki Energy= TBD
the lowest of the clouds with their peaks. The setting -Hansatsu= 300
sun gives birth to the greatest contrast with the moun- -Refined Naginata
tains sides. The sun facing side of the mountains is Weight AtP Rng LiE Mas Vel CoA
nearly clear of snow, and offer gatherings of ever-
green trees to stand tall as if they are reaching to .2 25 3 78 1 2 1
touch for the sky. The warm colors shimmer in the