P. 40
Elder Quests MIKI YAKAMA
Master, I never planned to go alone. We have nu-
“The Crowded Mile” merous students all willing to accompany me and en-
sure my safety. There are some of our students now.
Requirements: Intermediate Level
You there! When the Yakama need you to complete
NPC Characters of Contact a quest, how likely are you to oblige?
-Miki Yakama GM NOTE: Answering positively is the only option
-Ganryu Yakama for Yakama students. Students who have not sworn
to protect the Yakama and its interests will be ban-
-Jubokko ished form the school.
-Jikininki You see there Master, your students are willing to
Properties risk life and limb to see that the desires of their Mas-
ter are fulfilled. Give me your blessing and I will
-Yakama Compound retrieve the missing herbs for you.
Environment Ganryu Yakama pauses to ponder. His facial ex-
pression changes from serious to even more serious.
-Tohoku Prefecture; Akita, 29° GANRYU
Summary The passage will be perilous, there is no guarantee of
your return. If this venture is something you wish to
Ganryu and Miki Yakama discover that they are partake, the Yakama will be grateful for your efforts
low on the supplies of a particular plant that provides whether or not your return. Meet Yakama Miki here
necessary ingredients for the latest elixir. These in the morning, and guard her with your life. I will
plants are grown near, and Miki elects herself to go. personally reward you should you ensure her safe
Ganryu tells her about the dangers along the way, and return. Rest well, and prepare.
requires her to take some students with her to help PART 2 “No Time to Second Guess”
ensure her safe return. Location: Yakama Compound
PART 1 “Eavesdropping” In the morning, the PC(s) who have elected to
Location: Yakama Compound partake upon this mission have returned to the door
steps of the Yakama Compound where the stand out-
It is a cool winter night as the PC(s) leave the side in the same location as last night.
Yakama Compound after a day of training. The
winds whip up a bit of snow that swirls on the It is a cold and bright winter morning. The snow
ground. The cold causes a chill up the spine. Just to on the ground sparkles in the sunlight. Time seems
the right of the stairs leading out Ganryu Yakama and to be passing slowly as the group waits for Miki
Miki Yakama are standing close to each other talking Yakama to emerge.
about something that seems important. Without try- GM NOTE: Have the players roll 1D6 Odds &
ing the conversation can be heard. Evens to see if standing in the cold will effect the
MIKI YAKAMA character. If the cold is effecting the character sub-
tract one STA.
...I know the journey is treacherous, but we need
these ingredients to continue our work. If we do not Finally, Miki Yakama emerges through the doors.
have what we need in time we will have to start over.
That will be expensive and time consuming. Dressed for the winter. She carries a large sack over
her shoulder. She looks over the group, gives a quick
approving grin, and motion with her head for the
Do you think I want you to make this trek alone? It’s group to follow her.
too risky. I forbid it.
The group begins their journey by walking North-