P. 36
MEGUMI YAKAMA GM NOTE: The PC(s) may perform an automatical-
Ugh! You guys are so much alike! Both of you are ly successful Awareness Test to look past Master
adventurous and free spirited! Why are you two so Yakama in order to see that the gear closets are
often in disagreement? It’s frustrating. Are you jeal- empty. Ganryu Yakama will notice the PC(s) check-
ous of each other?
ing the closets and finally speak.
Megumi Yakama takes a hard look at the two of GANRYU YAKAMA
her sisters. Chioku Yakama is pouting, has her arms
crossed across her chest and her back to Yakama If you are looking for the gear it is all being cleaned.
It will be gone for three days. Remain patient.
Kame while looking over her shoulder. Kame Yaka-
ma stands calm and inspecting her fingernails with a GM NOTE: Ganryu will walk away silently, ignor-
nonchalant look on her face as if she’s questioning ing any further statements made by the PC(s).
this whole ordeal. She puts a fly away strand of hair PART 2 “Monkey Wrench”
back in it’s place.
Location: Yakama Compound
The PC(s) return to Megumi Yakama. Chioku
This will be out of character for me to say, but you
know what… the two of you should fight it out. Yakama and Kame Yakama are still not talking to
each other. Megumi stands between the two making
Kame and Chioku Yakama quickly snap to atten- sure they do not reengage. She focuses on the PC(s)
tion in disbelief. Their eyes widen and breath stops.
Megumi closes her eyes on her decision and confi- as they approach.
dently raises her nose in the air. GM NOTE: The PC(s) should share the information
they have just received. Megumi Yakama will be dis-
Me-Megumi! Are you serious?!!
What’s the matter fresh meat? Scared? You’ve got to be kidding me! I can’t believe the tim-
ing of it all. Three days, eh? You two think you can
Chioku Yakama twists her head halfway to Kame wait three days to handle this problem?
and gives her an evil eye in response.
Megumi Yakama looks at her sisters.
Get the gear.
I don’t need gear—
Megumi Yakama shrugs her shoulders and ad- MEGUMI YAKAMA
dresses the PC(s) dismissively.
Yes I know, but Yakama-san will not stand for us to
MEGUMI YAKAMA spar without it. You know there are consequences.
So, you’re going to go out the doors, taking a left. So you don’t feel like you can wait that long? Fine,
Just down the hall is a series of lockers— You’ve The students will go to the store and purchase some
been here, you know where the gear is. Go get us new gear.
some gear. Off with you. Megumi Yakama turns her attention to the PC(s).
The PC(s) follow Megumi Yakama’s instructions MEGUMI YAKAMA
and walk to the lockers she spoke of. They turn the You’re going to have to go to the armorer in Akita in
corner and standing before them is Ganryu Yakama. the morning, there is one right on the border, and pur-
He stares through the PC(s). chase four sets of Kendo armor. That’s: Men, Ken-
dogi, Do, Hakama, Kote and Tare. Here is 600 Han-
GM NOTE: How the PC(s) interact with Ganryu satsu, it should be enough. If not, make it enough.
Yakama is important. They should humble them- Now don’t keep these two waiting, I don’t know how
long I can keep them off each other.
selves. He will not speak to them as they are not on
his level, nor will he answer trivial questions.