P. 31

Elder Quests                                           ly chuckling to herself, hiding her enjoyment behind
                                                                a subtle hand.  Rei Yakama let’s out a growl in anger,
         “Rotten Cotton”                                        then a yelp of pain frantically slapping the ground in
                                                                submission.  Master Ganryu Yakama releases his
         Requirements: Beginner Level                           hold on his young practitioner, and Rei Yakama sits
         NPC Characters of Contact                              up, exhausted, disheveled, and upset with herself.

            -Asami Yakama                                                         REI YAKAMA
                                                                       Is something funny to you, old woman?
            -Rei Yakama
                                                                   Asami Yakama returns her face and body lan-
            -Ganryu Yakama
                                                                guage to her stoic manner.  Her stare returns a fiery
            -Old Woman/Karuki Chifutakushi’s mother             look to Rei Yakama, as she inhales and exhales deep-

            -Karuki Chifutakushi                                ly as if calmly restraining a dragon.
         Properties                                                             ASAMI YAKAMA
                                                                   What ever do you mean young Yakama Bijin?
            -Yakama Compound
                                                                   Rei Yakama adjusts her gi top covering her per-
            -Yakama District
                                                                fect figure, and reties her belt.
                                                                                  REI YAKAMA
            -Tohoku Prefecture, Akita; 84°                        I saw you over there giggling, as if something was

         Summary                                                  funny.  My father may be a bit of a challenge, but
                                                                  you on the other hand… I think I can handle you.
            Rei Yakama is in a bad mood because a local          Why don’t you come on the mat with me, to see if I
         man is not giving her the time of day in the manner            can’t knock that smile off your face.
         of which she is familiar.  Used to rejecting constant      Ganryu calmly rises adjusting his gi, gives a re-
         advances, or even running away from the most asser-    spectful bow to Rei Yakama, which she does not see,
         tive of potential suitors, this gentleman has been the   and vacates the training hall.  As he leaves, Asami
         exact opposite.  Seemingly, enchanted by this man,     Yakama bows to the Master.  She returns her focus to
         Rei Yakama asks for help persuading this strange       Rei Yakama, and subtly and respectfully bows to her.
         man.                                                                   ASAMI YAKAMA

         PART 1     “Locking Arms”                               Oh precious Rei-chan, one day, when you are wor-
                                                                thy, I will grant you the opportunity you desire.  Until
         Location: Yakama Compound                                then, maybe one of my students will be sufficient.

            It is a bright summer day.  A gentle breeze blows                     REI YAKAMA
         through the Yakama District.  The PC(s) are in a           Fine, send them.  Any of them.  ALL of them.
         group of eight Yakama students being lead by, the         Asami Yakama looks at the grouping of students
         stoic, Asami Yakama to the training hall.  The mood    evaluating them.
         is light, however, it has been stated that training with
         Asami Yakama is the most grueling.                     GM NOTE: Number the PC(s) and NPCs 1-8.  Cast
                                                                1D8 to call a particular number.  Should the number
            After reaching the doors of the training hall, As-  cast to challenge Rei Yakama be an NPC, she will
         mai Yakama opens the doors for her pupils allowing     make short work of them.  When a PC(s) number is
         each to bow as they enter.  She then enters the open   cast, allow them an opportunity to spar with Rei
         space after the last.  On the Tatami training floor is   Yakama.  Eventually Asami Yakama will get bored,
         Ganryu and Rei Yakama entangled in a Jujutsu knot      and stop the contest.
         with Ganryu Yakama calmly exhibiting his expertise,
         while Rei Yakama struggles for her life.  Rei Yakama      Asami Yakama bows and steps onto the mat
         manages a glance at Asami who is uncharacteristical-   walking head long toward Rei, who’s eyes light up

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