P. 48
PART 4 “Meeting of the Minds” KUKATO KIRIJITA
Yakama, I don’t know what you are trying to pull,
Location: Akita Prefecture, Akita but I will not stand for the abuse my students. Leave
The PC(s) have finished their journey and now from here and do not return. Furthermore, if I hear of
you fighting with my students again there will be
stand before the Kirijita Martial Arts Dojo. They consequences.
knock on the door is answered by a humble Kirijita Nana Yakama shuts her eyes as she lets out the
student who politely allows the PC(s) and Nana
Yakama to enter. Nana Yakama asks to speak to subtlest of sighs while slightly shakes her head. She
Kukato Kirijita, and the students leaves. gives a frustrated yet respectful bow, just after stating
Kirijita’s name, turns dejected, and leads the team
The dojo is well built and maintained as the away.
group is left to look around in the cozy open-aired Outside the estate, Nana Yakama turns to her
vestibule of the training grounds while they wait. In team, with a smirk. In an attempt to break the awk-
front of them is a two storied structure. The entire wardness of the situation.
are is surrounded by wooden walls. Plush trees and
shrubbery decorate the area. A call from the dis- NANA YAKAMA
tance interrupts the groups looking around the place. That did not goes as planned, did it?
It is a proudly smiling Kukato Kirijita. The group then walks back to the Yakama house.
PART 5 “Night Raiders”
It’s very nice, is it not, Yakama? Welcome to my
home! How can I be of service to you? Location: Yakama Compound
NANA YAKAMA It’s night time. The PC(s) have been allowed to
Kirijita-san, it is a very lovely establishment. I am sleep in the guest room of the Yakama house for the
hear to talk about the behavior of some of your stu- night. All is quiet, until a strange sound accompa-
dents towards the long established Yakama name in nied by several shadows showing through the room’s
this district.
shoji a sounds of people trying to sneak around is
heard coming from the hallway. The PC(s) can hear
Oh? What seems to be the problem? loud whispering coming from the hallway.
GM NOTE: Have the PC(s) perform an Awareness
On several occasions my father has received word Test to discover the following.
that your students have been disrespe—
Upon examining, the PC(s) see four masked indi-
The group of Kukato Kirijita students from the
earlier confrontation rush in interrupting the civil viduals stealthily moving around the house.
conversation taking place between Nana Yakama GM NOTE: Allow the PC(s) to handle the situation
and Kukato Kirijita. Their clothes and bodies show the way they see fit. When the PC(s) are discovered
signs of fighting. by the intruders, one will run out of the house carry-
TAKASHIRO STUDENT #2 ing an item. The others will remain to fit them.
Master! These people are up to no good! They are Out of nowhere, Nana Yakama appears using a
the very same that met us in a field and beat us up! myriad of techniques putting an end to the intrusion.
Kukato Kirijita looks at his students then turns The other Yakama women look on from the end of
his attention to the group. He does this several the hallway. Ganryu Yakama makes his way be-
times growing increasingly more frustrated, that tween the women and approaches Nana Yakama who
eventually grows to anger. is gripping the hair and mask of the intruder.
Ganryu Yakama crouches down to be face-to-
face with the man. He pulls off his mask as Nana
Yakama releases her grasp. The man is frightened