P. 49

and cowering as Ganryu Yakama peers deep into his       GM NOTE: Using the map of the Kukato Kirijita
         soul.  Ganryu’s eyes squint in anger and the man        Dojo on page 46, PC(s) should use stealth to search
                                                                 for and retrieve the plaque.
                         NANA YAKAMA
                                                                 GM NOTE: There are 15 Kukato Kirijita students
          It is one of  Kukato Kirijita’s men.  I recognize him   on the premises.  All may be armed.
                         from the other day.
                        GANRYU YAKAMA                            NAME: Kukato Kirijita Student
                      Why are you here; hmm?
                                                                 ATTRIBUTES:                  Belt Level: Blue Belt
                    TAKASHIRO STUDENT #1                         HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE
         W-we only came here to play a prank!  ...We-We’re
                 just joking!  ...Please don’t hurt me!           110    6    2     4     2     4     3    3    2
                         NANA YAKAMA                            TECHNIQUES:              KI ENERGY: 150

         I saw your friends escape with some of our property.    -Attack Heights: Low     -Standing Grapple Tech:
                         What did you take?!                    -Attack Heights: Medium   Back
                    TAKASHIRO STUDENT #1                        -Attack Heights: High     -Striking Tech: Lunge
          We only took a plaque off the wall!  Please, let me   -Special Tech: Jump       -Striking Tech: Hook
                   go!  I’ll bring it back personally!                                     Punch
                                                                -Non-Proj Tech: Proper
            Ganryu Yakama stands and turns his back to the       Grip I                   -Side Throw Takedown
         captive individual to address the women at the cor-    -Non-Proj Tech: Proper     Tech: Sweeping Loin
         ner.  The man continues to whimper and cry.             Grip III                 -Back Throw Takedown
                                                                                           Tech: Dragon Suplex
                                                                -Striking Tech: Jab
                        GANRYU YAKAMA                                                     -Striking Tech: Back
                                                                -Striking Tech: Straight   Hand
          Asmai, Kame bring this man to the basement.  Pre-      Punch
                            pare my table.                                                -Striking Tech: Knife
                                                                -Special Tech: Spin       Hand
                         NANA YAKAMA
                                                                -Striking Tech: Reverse   -Falling Tech: Break Fall
         Master, allow me to retrieve the stolen items with the   Punch                   -Falling Tech: Side Fall
                      assistance of our students.               -Standing Grapple Tech:
            Ganryu Yakama continues walking away while           Side
         Nana Yakama talks to him.  He doesn’t break stride     Main Weapon: Basic Yari
         or turn as he replies.                                   Wgt    AtP  Rng  LiE  Mas  Vel  CoA
                        GANRYU YAKAMA                               .5    15    2    9     1    2     1
                              Granted.                          Status Effect: 1D4 Odds & Evens roll for bleeding

            Nana Yakama smiles confidently with revenge in
         her eyes.  She turns to the PC(s).
                         NANA YAKAMA

           You hear that?  Gather your things, again.  We’re
         going to the Kirijita Dojo to get our plaque, tonight!

         PART 6     “Retribution”

         Location: Akita Prefecture, Akita
            The group has once again returned to the Kukato
         Kirijita Dojo, and a re a few yards away.  It is dark
         and quiet as they observe the grounds.
                                                                       Kanuki Takanashi with Kame, Megumi and Rei Yakama

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