P. 52
How to Play Yakama NPCs Miki is more of a chemist than a martial artist
and hasn’t taken her training seriously though she has
Ganryu Yakama achieved a notable rank. When necessary, Miki will
Ganryu Yakama is a most mysterious man. Hell- use Mystic Arts and Renzokuken vs. opponents, be-
bent on resurrecting his long lost wife, Ganryu Yaka- cause she “doesn’t like to get dirty”.
ma has stumbled onto a formula to maintain eternal Megumi Yakama
life. All of his daughters are his creation, but he
maintains the status of a father over them. Because Megumi Yakama always seems to be around the
each is an improvement on the next, but none of his shenanigans of the Yakama compound. She has a
formulas have resurrected her, he continues the re- sarcastic and nonchalant tone nearly all the time. She
search that consumes him. has set a high standard for herself and holds others,
namely the older Yakama women, that same standard
Master Yakama is a no nonsense person, stern, to ensure the younger have a role model.
assertive, and unwavering in his philosophy. He will
only state what he believes one time, and if chal- Though the strongest of the Yakama women and
lenged, will resort to violence where he will use his a fine martial artist, Megumi chooses to use her mind
most powerful techniques, namely the “Sensen” to defeat most opponents, manipulating them through
Mystic Art, to ensure short conflicts. the use of Mystic Arts.
Asami Yakama Nana Yakama
Asami Yakama is the first success of Ganryu Nana Yakama is the peace-loving member of the
Yakama’s practices. Asami is quiet, very confident Yakama women who wants harmony, especially at
and calculating, and understands her position in the the forefront of the relationships between her sib-
Yakama hierarchy. Asami Yakama’s main priority is lings. She is loyal to a fault and eager to gain or un-
setting an example for the rest of the women in the dertake experiences that will advance the Yakama
Yakama compound. Perpetually annoyed by the pur- name.
suits of men, Asami generally stays in the compound The only time Nana Yakama displays any type of
and gives direction to others much like a general.
anger is when the Yakama reputation is threatened.
Though practicing martial arts is not really im- She will take on any challenge head on to defend her
portant, Asami Yakama is no one to toy with in a house and use any means to see it thrive.
physical confrontation. More capable than one
would believe, Asami Yakama’s prowess puts her Chioku Yakama
near the top of Japans fighters. Chioku Yakama is the reincarnation of Kame
Kame Yakama Yakama. This reputation has grown her to become a
spitfire, independent and ready for action against an-
Kame Yakama is a worldly woman due to her yone. This personification, however shadows a mask
adventurous nature. Though she carries a rough exte- of insecurities. Chioku Yakama will command un-
rior she is surprisingly approachable. As the second derlings with the expertise of a seasoned general,
oldest woman in the house, she sets her sites on Chi- however, inside self-doubt will torment her.
oku, her counterpart within the younger set in Gan- As a fighter, Chioku will use complex techniques
ryu’s household. Though the two argue incessantly, when a more suitable, simplistic technique may be
Kame has chosen her and is determined to push the the answer. Usually performing Mystic Arts to the
young woman to achieve greatness.
Maximum of her abilities, she’s been known to run
Kame Yakama is a talented jujutsu practitioner out of energy in the middle of a battle.
who believes in her skill far more than she is able to
perform. Her favorite techniques will involve slow- Rei Yakama
ing her opponents through the use of Mystic Arts to Rei Yakama is much smarter than she lets on.
level the field. Understanding what the public opinion is about her,
Rei Yakama uses it to her advantage, flirting and
Miki Yakama
leading young men brave enough to ignore the warn-
Miki Yakama is the strangest of the Yakama ings about Yakama Rei’s father, Ganryu. It often
woman. Due to her focus on the sciences Miki has times gets her into trouble, but secretly she is looking
missed out on developing normal social interaction for true love.
skills and struggles with humor. Though one can not As a combatant, Rei Yakama is ambitious and
describe her as reclusive, Miki finds horticulture feisty. Her new found success and achieving 1st de-
more interesting than human interaction. She consid- gree black belt which has made her a bit cocky. Rei
ers herself a very serious scientist and remains ex- Yakama will give an opponent chances for escape or
tremely loyal to Ganryu Yakama.
recovery after an effective move combination.